Thunderhawk Custom Machine Pistols Item in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Thunderhawk Custom Machine Pistols

"What we lack in power, we make up for in speed."
-Cynthia Hawkes
  In order to facilitate the rising demand for accurate rapidfire weaponry, several attempts were made to modify existing semi-automatic firearms with full-auto capabilities. Most of the resulting prototypes in the category of sidearm suffered from similar problems: unmanageable recoil or the rapid exhaustion of the power core. This lead to most automatic firearms being produced as carbines or heavier weaponry.

The later insistence by Cynthia Amora Hawkes during her tenure in New Detroit Covert Operations prompted Jacky Mac Konvoy to create firearms specifically tailored to her capabilities as opposed to a standardized weapon. This resulted in the creation of the Thunderhawk Custom Machine Pistols. The weapons fell into favor, causing Cynthia to adopt their name as her own alias.

While functionally similar to their brothers, the Spark Hawk Custom Pistols, the Thunderhawks exchange the ability to charge shots for extreme fire rate with their full-auto setting, both retaining a semi-automatic setting. The pistols make use of the integrated blue power core to generate a hail of force bolts which eject from the barrel at high velocity. These force bolts can be used to deliver blunt impacts to a target and allow the weapons to be fired even when out of ammunition.

Force bolts are also capable of accelerating any object that lies within their path, allowing the pistols to eject rounds of ammunitions to provide piercing or slashing impacts as well, depending on the preference of the user and the availability of ammunition.
Since the pistols do not rely on propellant to accelerate their projectiles, rounds of ammunition are typically inserted as caseless bullets, allowing a much larger pool of ammunition for each magazine, for a total of 64 rounds in a standard magazine.

Given the nature of the pistols' wield style, they were not outfitted with traditional sights, instead they were equipped with an Identify Friend Foe sensor connected to the user's VISOR, preventing the accidental firing on allied units by disabling the firing mechanism.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Current Location
Current Holder
Owning Organization
1.7 kg
50 cm in length
Raw materials & Components
Primarily titanium


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