Skid Character in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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JAC-133 Mk. III YZF-R15 Yamaha (a.k.a. Skid)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Often a bipedal robot with various motorcycle components lining its body, Skid varies between its humanoid and vehicle configuration when it suits it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally intended as an experimental anti-theft system, the motorcycle allowed the navigational unit, Computer Integrated Navigational and Directional Interface (C.I.N.D.I.), to take limited control of the vehicle's operation to evade attempts at thievery. Several bugs with the prototype caused the navigation unit to be upgraded with more sentience than desired, resulting in the project being scrapped.   The vehicle was still used by the engineering department for commutes, resulting in several public incidents of a driverless vehicle being spotted on the roads. After being loaned to a club-goer, the vehicle was later found in the Detroit River. Having developed an aversion for 'catgirls', the navigational unit was taken in by the League of Bro for further development. Updating the vehicle's power supply and motor systems, the motorcycle was capable of converting itself to a bipedal robotic mode and armed with a limited use coilgun for self-defense.   As many other robots part of the JAC line, the core would eventually attract a soul with sufficient compatibility. The temperamental nature of the hardware as well as the quirks of the soul has caused interactions with the JAC-133 unit to be 'memorable'. The JAC-133 unit is now refered to by its chosen nickname: Skid.

Gender Identity

Varies based on the navigation system's voice.




Update Version 6.87b


Yamaha Production Line   ATAC   League of Bro

Mental Trauma

Being driven into a river by a catgirl.



Comes with 5 supported American English accents.
Obnoxious Bike
Current Location
Year of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Start of production of the Yamaha YZF-R15 model
Current Residence
USB Port
Lavender tinted glass
Windshield Wipers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Glossy Black with silver streaks
1970 x 670 x 1070 mm
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Up to 20 supported languages.


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