AMR-CHA 'Intermission' Item in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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AMR-CHA 'Intermission'

"I'm here to end conversations, not prolong them."
-Cynthia Hawkes
  The semi-automatic Antimateriel Rifle (AMR) - Cynthia Hawkes (CHA) is a reverse engineered conventional firearm, further modified to fit League standards. The weapon was first commissioned by Cynthia Hawkes as a part of New Detroit Covert Operations and remains in use beyond the disbanding of that subdivision.

As with most weaponry found within the League, the manufacturing process replaces metals such as alluminium or steel in favor of titanium. As a result, this weapon boasts a far lower weight than a typical rifle while offering little else in terms of benefits for the material trade.
The weapon retains its ability to fire conventional rounds of ammunition, chambered for 12.7×99mm NATO (.50 BMG) ammunition.

In order to assist sighting targets, the rifle has been fitted with a High Powered Scope with adjustable magnification ranging between 5-20x. Additionally, the firearm features Offset Iron Sights on the side of the left side of the receiver, primarily used for unexpected close range engagements.

Typically intended to be used while crouching or prone, the weapon is equipped with a collapsible bipod to facilitate further stability when aiming.

Though not specifically requested by its owner, the AMR-CHA boasts a hidden feature which allows it to remain a functioning weapon in its intended role even when the ammunition of its user is depleted, but this feature has never been utilized.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Current Location
Current Holder
Owning Organization
8 kg
140cm in length
Raw materials & Components
Primarily titanium


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