The realm of dappevar Silverlight Mine Disaster

Silverlight Mine Disaster

Disaster / Destruction


A major mine collapse in the tunnels of the valuable Silverlight Straight, killing many of the clan and cutting off the village's most valuable resource.

Whilst the clan was mining the silver ore within the Silverlight Straight, mixed among the vein they discovered an unknown black glass/mineral-like rock that glimmered silver inside it. Thinking it was a new form of silver ore they tried to extract it like normal - but the material was a significantly tougher and only small chunks could be removed.   After many failed attempts to remove significant quantities of the unknown material, and no success in even smelting it into something useful, they became desperate. A passing trader noticed the small chunks that could be removed and offered to buy some as a curiosity. A month later two elvish academics from The Ozbrick Royal Institute of Scientific Arts appeared and offered help in studying the material so that they may be able to remove it. After initial distrust and protest of the outsiders, the potential profits that could be made if they could access the full deposit of silver won out. The academics were taken down the mine to its original source for further study.   After 6 hours, those in the village were startled by a massive shake in the ground below them - followed by a rolling gust of dust eject from the mineshaft. The village bell rang 5 times, a muster call for all hands that only meant one thing - a mine collapse.   The rescue party rushed down the winding shafts, the air thick and visibility nearly sightless, to eventually find the entire Silverlight Straight now entirely caved in by the surrounding rock. Volunteers from settlements across The Iron Teeth of Kuridir were organised by the Whitecut Council to aid in the rescue efforts. After 16 day, barely 20 meters dug and the further death of 4 volunteers in attempts to reach those trapped - the Silverlight Straight was ultimately deemed entirely unstable. The tunnel was sealed; a tomb to the 36 souls that would be leaving the remaining young, old, weak or sick that remained above the surface that day to now face a challenging fight for survival.   After the disaster took the lives of much of the Clan Thornbul leadership, including the highly respected Chief Eldeth Brightwood, it fell to Adeela Thornbul to take up the mantle and try to piece together what remained. As most volunteers inevitably returned to their own families, so did some of the survivors that once called this village home. Abandoning what many now considered a lost cause, for many, the copper ore that remained accessible was not going to help them rebuild their future.   With the dust settled it became clear that most of Thornbul Village's skilled and experienced kin now laid dead beneath their feet. Yet while all who remained would carry the scars of this disaster in their hearts, their only option was to now turn to the next generation in hopes of keeping what little was left still alive.

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