27 September, 1987 in The Protectorate Chronicles | World Anvil

27 September, 1987

E.H.R.D. Report: 27 September, 1987

Interview with Officer Michael Hastings, OCPD, 11:52, 2/10/1987
  Officer Hastings: I got the call at 01:30, truth told didn't think anything of it at first. Turf wars ain't exactly a new thing around here, especially early in the morning. Thing was, this wasn't some turf war, it was... God, I still don't even know what it was.   Director Watson: What happened when you arrived?   Officer Hastings: I arrived on scene around 02:15, at a warehouse near the border. I could smell the smoke before I even got out of the car. Fire had already been put out, some of the Department rooks were hanging around just in case. I got the OK, went inside, and I just saw bodies. Ten, twenty of them. All tied up near the entrance. Some of them were clearly suffering from smoke fumes, others looked like they had broken bones, but none of them were burned.   Director Watson: None of them?   Officer Hastings: Not one. Whatever did that, whatever tied them up, they wanted to keep them safe. A couple of the fire extinguishers were lying around them, sitting empty.   Director Watson: And what else did you see?   Officer Hastings: Right, the guy. There was this one guy, wearing all black. Looked like a ghost, almost. Or a shadow. He was standing in the distance, just watching me. I turned my back on him for a second to get one of the mobsters, and when I turned around, he was gone.   Director Watson: And you're certain there was someone there?   Officer Hastings: I'm as certain as I can be.   Director Watson: Thank you, Mister Hastings. We'll be in touch.  

Report Addendum 1

Addendum added by Director Simon Watson, 15:08, 6/10/1987
  Vigilante identified as Shade, contact unsuccessful.


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