Coffee Controversy in The Promised Land | World Anvil

Coffee Controversy

In the kingdom of Satus in parliament there is an ongoing discussion of whether or not to tariff or completely block the importation of coffee beans. It is widely accepted that the Lords of Parliament lobbying against the import of coffee have more protectionist motivations than they would outwardly admit. Coffee competes with the Elves' tea from Londorwin, the Dwarves' beer from Hollow Mountain, the Halflings' Ciders from Highhill, and the Gnomes' wine from Helsingør.   Representatives from the various temples have also made their opinions known; they see people congregating more in coffee bars and cafés than at temples and they see that as compromising the people's spiritual well-being.   Of course, there has been heavy lobbying in favor of coffee from the cafe owners and the merchant guilds.


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