The Guardian's Rest Caravan Station Building / Landmark in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

The Guardian's Rest Caravan Station

The Guardian's Rest is a fortified caravan station located strategically at the outskirts of Kirkliston, near the main road leading to and from the Eastdale and further on to the capital. The compound consists of a large, enclosed area with reinforced wooden walls and watchtowers at each corner. At its center lies a spacious courtyard, surrounded by various facilities designed to cater to the needs of caravans and travelers.

Facilities and Services

  • Repair Workshops

    Equipped to handle a wide range of repair needs, from wagon wheels to harnesses. Skilled blacksmiths and carpenters are available to ensure that caravans can promptly resume their journeys.
  • Stables and Livestock Pens

    Well-maintained stables provide shelter and care for horses and other draft animals. Adjacent to the stables are pens for livestock that might be part of the caravan’s cargo.
  • Supply Store

    Offering essential supplies like food, water, and basic travel gear. This store also stocks various necessities for the road ahead.
  • Rest Quarters

    Small but comfortable quarters for caravan members to rest. These quarters are secure and provide a much-needed respite from the road.
  • Mess Hall

    A communal dining area serving hot meals, operated by local cooks who provide hearty fare for weary travelers.


The Guardian's Rest is under 24-hour watch by a group of guards funded by the Church of St. Ygg. These guards, known as the "Ygg's Sentinels," are well-trained and equipped to handle potential threats. The watchtowers are manned at all times, providing a vigilant lookout for any approaching danger. The guards also patrol the perimeter and assist with the safe arrival and departure of caravans.
Vigilance is our creed, protection our promise. Under these walls, every traveler shall find safe harbor.
— Captain Elmar, The Guardian's Rest Caravan Station.

Key presonel

Captain Elmar

A seasoned veteran appointed by the Church of St. Ygg, Captain Elmar is in charge of the security at the Guardian's Rest. He is a stern but fair leader, known for his strategic acumen and dedication to protecting the caravans and the station.
Captain Elmar
Character | Dec 19, 2023

Security Captain at The Guardian's Rest Caravan Station


The Guardian's Rest serves as a critical support point for caravans traveling to and from Kirkliston, offering a secure stopover for repairs, rest, and resupply. Its presence not only facilitates commerce and travel but also symbolizes the Church of St. Ygg's commitment to safeguarding the well-being of travelers and traders in the region.
Guard post / house
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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Darkwood Forest
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Articles under The Guardian's Rest Caravan Station


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Jan 2, 2024 02:14 by Absinthe

My wanton thief has no love or likes for the captain. She slip him poison in his drink or something wicked like dagger in the dark.