Eastdale Sewers - The Prelacy of Middenmark - Shadowdark open table

Eastdale Sewers

Eastdale's sewers, a marvel of engineering beneath the town, are vital for public health, whisking away waste through a network of stone tunnels. Crafted by human and dwarven hands, their vaulted passageways are sturdy and narrow, causing The Stonewarden Brotherhood difficulties during repairs. While most see only their practicality, some know these depths hide secrets: rumored thieves' paths and ancient, echoing chambers from a bygone era. A necessary underbelly, the sewers are as much a part of Eastdale's lifeblood as the streets above.

Discoved through play

Known Entrances:
  • Basement of The Saucy Tart (Closed due to maggots)
  • Market Square: under announcement stage. Drainage Grate
  • Southern Discharge: outside of the souther palisade wall
First Delve: Session 30 - A Shitty Tail
Current Related Plots: Maggots in the Food

Player Maps

Eastdale Sewer Delve 1
Sewers Overview as of delve 3
Session 34
The Stonewarden Brotherhood
Organization | Apr 24, 2024

"Strength in Stone, Honor in Service - Building Eastdale's Legacy."