Cedric the Sly Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Cedric the Sly

Ancestry: Human
Occupation: Operations expert  
"For every shadow the Church claims to banish, they cast a dozen more with their sanctimonious light."
— Cedric the Sly, Operations expert of the Darkeyes Thieves' Guild


Cedric possesses a lean and agile build, with sharp, observant eyes that miss little. His facial features are commonly obscured by a hood or mask, but when visible, they carry an enigmatic smile that hints at hidden knowledge. His attire is a blend of functional leather and cloaks that blend with the shadows.  


Cedric is a man of many faces and fewer truths. He is charming, articulate, and has an unrivaled ability to read people, making him an excellent manipulator and strategist. His demeanor is usually calm and collected, only displaying excitement when a plan comes together flawlessly.  


Cedric's past is a patchwork of tall tales and rumors, the truth of which is known by few. What is known is that his rise within the Darkeyes was meteoric, fueled by his intellect, knack for disguise, and an uncanny ability to navigate the political undercurrents of guild life.  


Cedric is a master of disguise, able to alter his appearance and demeanor to fit any situation. His talents extend to forgery, stealth, lockpicking, and an extensive knowledge of secret signals and guild codes.  

Role in the Guild

As a Shadowhand, Cedric manages the guild's operations with a focus on intelligence gathering, planning heists, and recruiting new talent. He often employs misdirection and psychological tactics to ensure the guild’s endeavors go unnoticed by the authorities.  


Within the guild, Cedric is regarded as a resourceful and indispensable lieutenant, one whose schemes have significantly bolstered the guild's coffers and influence. Amongst the Footpads, he is seen as a mentor, though one to be approached with caution, for his support comes with the expectation of unwavering loyalty.  


While wealth and power are certainly among Cedric's goals, he is ultimately driven by the game itself—the thrill of a challenge and the satisfaction of a plan well-executed. His personal ambitions may reach beyond the guild, perhaps eyeing a seat of power within Eastdale itself.  

First Met

Session 38 - New Beginnings
Report | Apr 27, 2024

First Gauntlet run of the season; the first or last... steps towards greatness.

Current Location
Aligned Organization
"In the shadows, we find the truth of power — it's not held by crowns or holy symbols but by those who dare to pull the strings unseen."
Dark Eyes - Thieves Guild
Organization | Apr 24, 2024

Darkeyes seeking power and control over Eastdale's underbelly.

Eastdale Sewers
Geographic Location | Mar 9, 2024

A world below the streets


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