First Ant War

The First Ant War was a war between the Kevrêfnah ants and basically the entirety of the Glasslander Countries plus expeditions from Myondras, Western Cameland, the Crustacean Kingdom, the Ripongan Kingdom and the Hausser Philanthropic Army.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
14868 ARE
Ending Date
14891 ARE
Conflict Result
The Kevrêfnah ants fled, at the costs of many a hundred-thousand lives.


First Kevrêfnah Expedition


500 ants and 10 queens, the latter generating at least seven million other ants throughout the war.



To colonize the entire planet, according to evidence from later expeditions.


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Sep 23, 2021 12:29 by Thicc Shrek

Ant wars are always based.

Sep 26, 2021 06:31 by Matheus Gamarra

Thanks! Someday I will expand more the lore of the Ant Wars in the Planisphere (Which in fact isn't flat, it's just a major misunderstanding in the Planispherian language)