Keeper Jaela Daran Character in The Phaeros Foundation | World Anvil
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Keeper Jaela Daran

"Do not take so much joy in destroying the faith of millions."
  Jaela Daran is an 11-year old human girl and the current Keeper of the Flame. As the Keeper, Jaela is a spiritual guru and administer of the Flame of Siberys, formerly organized as the Church of the Silver Flame.  



At some point between 987YK and 998YK, Jaela Daran was found by the Council of Cardinals and put through the Keepers tests where she was discovered to be the current Keeper of the Flame. At that time, she was moved to Flamekeep where she lives in the Pale Palace in Flamekeep, TH.


Session 10: The True Flame

The Foundation met the Keeper in her private meditation chamber inside the Pale Palace. The keeper was accompanied by a lighted guardian that she called "Pumpkin". Later, the Foundation was contacted by the Keeper through the fireplace in their apartments. She offered to help get the Foundation out and told them not to trust anyone but Flamewatcher Monast. This version of the Keeper had different hair, with hers being a lush mane of white hair as opposed to the previous Keeper's tight, clean braids.   Upon entering the pocket-dimension of the dragonshard skull, the Foundation met the Keeper who had been trapped there for at least a year. She tells the Foundation that the one on the outside is most likely a doppelganger.

Session 11: Flame's Last Shadow

After the Foundation dealt with Ser Corbyn and High Cardinal DeRoche and shattered the skulls, Jaela decided that she would stay at the shrine in Thaliost and continue to administer the faith of the Flame in its original form, retaining her role as Keeper.



Jaela has dark brown skin and silver white hair often found in a dense, luxurious mane. Her eyes are also white, which seems to have been a result of the tests of the Keeper.


Though only 11 years old, Jaela is wise beyond her years. She seems able to understand the complicated nature of the church as both built upon a lie and also a respite for millions of people.
Year of Birth
987 YK 11 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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