City-States of Stragax Organization in The Perils of Ronault | World Anvil

City-States of Stragax

City-States of Stragax

The City-States of Stragax, also known as The Coalition of Pirates or the Freelootin' Warbands, is a collection of smaller city states that reside within the two halves of Stragax. Nearly all towns and settlements within Stragax are self-governing; forming relations and rivalries with each other when circumstances align. In the north lies a hardy population capable of handling most threats the jungle sends at them. Contrastly, the south's dangers in the scattered isles come from the people themselves, being filled with wouldbe pirates and brigands whose rivalries can spark a skirmish at any time, or distrusting peoples who simply defend themselves and wish to be left alone. There are a few welcoming towns, however, often being the most prominant town on their half of the continent. The living conditions of each settlement and town hinge on the populace that lives there and the state of their own economy, leading to various designs of structures and cultural norms.   Despite being widely known as pirates and looters, the city-states are still considered home by many goblinoids, halflings, and lizardfolk. While not all who hail from the turbulent jungle isles are involved in such activities, the handful that are leave the rest with a reputation that has them treated with suspicion and wariness. Thanks to this innate rift, the people of Stragax who travel will do their best to blend in or travel with others in similar circumstances. The City-States themselves do not, as a whole, maintain any particular relations with other nations, but some settlements may individually trade with the Kozholian Empire.  


The city-states formed naturally from various populations migrating and calling territories their home. It's tumultuous existances is owed to the natural conflict that arise between competitive fleeting nations. As time goes on, the individual city-states have calmer relations with one another, but it only takes one to stir the pot of conflict.  


Stragax has lush jungles that persist throughout the continent, including the scattered islands, isles, and islets in the south. Warm ocean waters fill the space between, heightening the moist weather that permeates the continent. It has some of the most violent storms in the known world.  

Geographical Features

The city-states are home to several major features, the first being the north and south mountain ranges that mark the continent on the map. Others include the wide expanse of water in the middle of the scattered islands called The Sapphire Scar.  


As a whole, there is no central government. However, each settlement may have a government depending on the size and/or culture. This can range from an absolute ruler, an oligarchy, or even a small republic.   Rarely, the city-states may come together as a conglomerate, but such ocassions only arise in dire circumstances and often dissipate as quickly as they form.  


The city-states have no trade relations as a whole, but individual settlements may partake in long distance trading with foreign nations.  


The city-states are a seafaring nation. Ships of varying size are common for transport, and most settlements have some kind of port for a handful of ships to dock at. In the jungle, there are few roads to follow, and those that exist are dirt roads that struggle to remain visible as the jungle reclaims its territory.  


Notable Places

Major Cities:
- Zilzinzabar (De-Facto Captiol)
- Magmil (Prominent Northern Settlement)
- Mazo (Prominent Southern Settlement)

City-States of Stragax


The Coalition of Pirates
Freelootin' Warbands
The Green Tide
Jungles of Virax, Northern Stragax
Arenvale Range, Southern Stragax
The Sapphire Scar, Southern Stragax


Stragaxian, Various (city-state dependant)
31% Orcs
23% Goblins
13% Halflings
11% Lizardfolk
9% Hobgoblins
6% Dwarves
4% Half-Races
3% Others


Alcohol, bhulerian crystal, grain, fruit, livestock, arms, weapons, indentured servants
Alcohol, seafood, meat, timber, seafarring vessels
1 pp = 1 shines
= 10 gold glisters
= 100 silver tarnish
= 1000 copper drabs


Government Type
Conglomerate (as Stragax), Various (individually)


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