The Quest to Retrieve Frillith Plot in The Path to Veritas | World Anvil
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The Quest to Retrieve Frillith

Also called "Dance with the Fairy Queen," this is the overview of the mission to retrieve the body of Frillith. King Bedrich of Tumult is preparing for war with the Dormant Cult, but a usurper has arisen to challenge his claim for the throne. Most find this claim to be hogwash, but one sizable faction, the Church of Neih, support this claim. Bedrich has no desire to lose his capitol to these nature loving zealots while he is off fighting a war, so he sends groups of mercenaries (you) to find the body of the prophet Frillith, the one responsible for the revival of Neih worship in Tumult, and return her to the capital. Hopefully, this would appease this rabble. Thus, adventurers throughout Tumult began scouring the Veritian Leaf.   One party of note began at the Western Watch fortress, as they were following one Neih priest called Brother Levant who they heard went West into the Western Fey Wilds to search for the body of Frillith. They initially started with a dozen or so members entering the forest, but a ambush of Dusker nomads dwindled their numbers. The ambush is stopped though by More missionaries from Vigil who knew of Frillith and sought peace between the groups. The party met the chieftain Meadowhammer, but were so obnoxious that they were given information of where Brother Levant was heading just to get them out of their hair.   The party went south of the Dusker encampment, traversing a swamp and fighting a bog beast along the way. They then entered a mushroom region of the forest, home of the Myconids. There, they found an ancient temple of Neih built during the era of expansion, which only stood because a Green Mother (a spirit of the Seraph of Summer) took residence there. Brother Levant was there chatting with the spirit, hoping to reestablish the worship of Neih here. While he did not abandon the search for Frillith, he found this task more important and honoring to her memory, and was simply waiting for the next Neihite search party to show up to pass the mantle. The party sought more information, but had to do something for the Green Mother in return. A young green dragon took of residence in the upper floors of the building. They were asked to evict it, which they did.   They then learned that Frillith's body was brought to Fey Banquet at the behest of the Fairy Queen. The Green Mother gave them masks to blend in, and the party went along their way. Fey Banquet was far from their location, so they caught a ride with a group of Tumultian privateers on their airship along the Fifth Minor Vein. It was the Dragon of the Deep, the ship which the party of Kourend Salmonpuddle used to escape the Pit. These profit seeking criminals helped them in their travels. The journey began with little issue, except a wyvern attack which they quickly dispatched, even capturing one, but on the final day while they began their descent to drop off the party, a rift opened in the sky and two other airships emerged. They were gith corsairs hoping to reclaim the Dragon of the Deep, as it once was their ship. The Dragon of the Deep had to retreat, but first they lowered the ship enough for the party of adventurers to parachute to the surface. One of the members even jumped with the leader of the gith in tow, which was a boon to the Dragon of the Deep's retreat.   The party had no more gripes with the gith after that. Their target was the airship, not he adventurers. They spent the night at the defunct port town, having met a nice old lady living in the ruins. They awoke the following day to find that they were cursed, tricked by a hag. This assured them that they were now in fey territory. Fey Banquet was nearby, so they dawned their masks and entered the city.   They started with some shopping prep for future issues, as they knew not what was coming to them in this city. But, while doing this, one of their members wandered off following an Ovinnik (black cat fey). He was then roped into joining a heist by the kleptomaniac, which proved fortuitous as the cat planned to steal the body of Frillith. While searching for the other members of the heist, that same member who agreed to the heist ate a rat he should not have. The tale will continue at another date.   (Someone ultimately succeeded, though the details are unknown)



There are four adventurers of note:   Little Bob: A warlock barbarian dragonborn who is not all there. He was born on the streets of Felicity and wanders the world absentmindedly. He is on this quest mostly by accident, as he was at the Western Watch when the caravan was heading west. He has a habit of drawing in and throwing away his arcane focus (a book), much to the infuriation of his patron, the Uzite god Dread Sin of Pride.   Baruus: The groups voice of reason, he is a nature loving barbarian bugbear who hales from near the furbolg city of Fast. He was raised by bears. He is the most motivated to complete the quest, as it is honoring a group devoted to the care of nature.   Thrawn Mistus: A wizard rogue mix, this very short human is from the magic city of Val'ul. He is an urchin who stole a wizard's spellbook and learned magic from it. While still shy and distrustful, he is also on this quest mostly by accident, though he uses this opportunity to find books and scrolls to add to his magic.   Ekemon: A paladin tiefling from Draught's adventurers guild Order of Vengeance. He is on this mission for the fame and glory, as well as the money.



Fey Banquet is the main city within this plotline. Other locations include the Western Watch, a fort on the western border of Tumult, the Dusker Camp, and the temple of Neih in the Myconid Forest.

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