Gith Species in The Path to Veritas | World Anvil
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The gith are a rarer species to find along the Path of Veritas. The vast majority of them can be found in Tuth.   On the Veritian Leaf, they are an alien species. Originally from a leaf call Gith-Neih, they travelled to the Veritian Leaf on their airships with their queen, the Ancient Green Dragon Meirvyrth the Life Giver. Though they betrayed their queen after her defeat to Tumult, many of them settled on the Veritian Leaf, monopolizing the industry and trade of airships. They live in holes in the leaf called Pits. Though most of them are held in secret (as love for the Gith is limited) the one in the Tumult region has become a infamous prison where nations dump their criminals for discounts on airships. Many gith refuse this life though, preferring to leave the holes their tyrant queen made.

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