Vanae Character in The Page | World Anvil
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Edited 7:28am EST 1/26/20. Further review and additions may be made at a later date.

Vanae (a.k.a. The Celestial Artist)

Vanae is the sole creator of The Page, the Stars , and the Hyperdrakes . Additionally, they unintentionally created The Underside. Despite being initial creator of known existence, Vanae is an obscure, even unknown being to most if not all mortal civilizations, and largely forgotten by the stars.   Vanae was originally the doting mother figure of The Page, loving her stars and all of their creations. She created the Hyperdrakes so she could experience their creations for eternity, protecting the Stars from falling into eternal darkness. She was eventually betrayed by the Hyperdrakes when she attempted to destroy the universe upon the discovery of Shiftsteel.   Vanae now grieves what she has created, eternally weeping beyond it's borders, seeking to undo the endless cycle of soul entrapment she has unintentionally caused with the creation of Emerglass.   Vanae does not have an appearance, as she simply exists throughout much creation as an ever present being. However, few civilizations enlightened by The Cradle have learned of her, and created descriptions of her based upon its inexact telepathic descriptions.   Any civilization who learned of Vanae through The Cradle would receive a similar depiction of her with minor racial differences. She is generally depicted as a young female appropriate for a species, with eyes, hair, and equivalent characteristics being displayed as a deep raven feather black. Her expression and body language show disinterest, even belligerence, as she looks down upon the observer. Her left arm is raised at a ninety degree angle, the nine types of stars in a crescent around her hand with a single Hyperdrake coiled at the center. Her right arm protrudes forward with brush in hand, eight hyperdrakes coiling tight around her arm. She stands proud, a robe draping about her shoulders decorated with depictions of gaseous clouds, stars, and planets.
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