Erutav's Revenge Myth in The Overlap | World Anvil
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Erutav's Revenge

Erutav's Revenge, also known as The Folly of Sabbas, is a common story told among Mechanicals to teach young people about the importance of developing their own spells and practicing magic, rather than depending on the work of others. It is a story about Erutav, who is considered one of the first Mechanicals, . Erutav is known for having a strong sense of justice and helping those she thought worthy take positions of leadership.


While traveling through Yerovisi, Erutav met a man named Sabbas. He was respected in his town, and people often went to him for help solving conflicts because he was known to be reasonable and fair. Sabbas was also a teacher. He had studied at length under the tutelage of the first Mechanicals, and now taught the children of the town what he knew.    Erutav asked if she could stay with him while she was traveling, and he was honored to let her into his home, for he, like most others, believed that she was a goddess. So Erutav stayed with him for several days, and taught him the symbols she had invented and how to make spells from them. She taught him how to use her symbol to harness the heat of the stars. and also told him to lock his spell stones, to ensure they could only be used by him. For the heat of the stars is a dangerous tool, and in the wrong hands, could cause great destruction. Sabbas developed a spell stone to maintain the heat of his forge fire, but he was so excited that he did not have to use the bellows that he forgot to create a lock for the spell.   Sabbas's brother, Vinas, saw that Erutav was giving Sabbas her attention, so he went to her and because he was a fisherman, asked him if he would give her a spell to lure fish to his nets.   "I can teach how to use the symbol of the river," said Erutav, "but you will have to make the spell yourself."   But Vinas did not want to do the work of creating a spell and refused. Still, as he watched Erutav work with Sabbas, he grew jealous of his brother. So one say he stole the heat stone from his brother's forge, and because it wasn't locked, Vinas accessed the spell inside it and heated Sabbas blood until it boiled and killed him.   When Erutav heard that Sabbas had died, she knew at once that it was Vinas, so she asked Vinas if he had killed his brother.   "Even if I had, I would not readily admit it," Vinas said.   So Erutav made a deal with him: she challenged him to a duel of spell stones. And if she won, he would answer her question.   "And what do I get if I win?" Vinas asked.   "I will give you a spell stone to lure fish into your nets," Erutav answered.   Vinas agreed, and the two dueled. But Erutav lost on purpose. And when she gave Vinas the spell stone to lure fish into his nets, she warned him. "Be careful. It is a very powerful spell, and if you don't use it properly it could kill you."   But Vinas scoffed at her. "I don't think I'll have trouble using your spell," he told her, "for I've beaten a god in a stone duel." Then Erutav said no more.   So Vinas took the spell stone to the river and activated it. Fish filled his net, each one bigger than the last. They came so quickly that Vinas thought the net might burst. He grabbed the ends of it to pull the net up, but there were so many fish that the strength of them pulling on the net instead pulled Vinas into the river, where he was eaten by the biggest fish of all.

Historical Basis

Like most Mechanical stories, this is derived from an ancient religion, though I have not been able to track down the original. In this religion, Erutav was considered a goddess. Mechanicals today believe that though she was mortal, she did once exist, and was one of the first Mechanicals. There is no other evidence of this story, but most Mechanicals believe it to be true.


This story can be found in any Mechanical community, including in collections of stories about the first Mechanicals. Most Mechanicals are familiar with it.

Variations & Mutation

In some areas, the story ends with Vinas killing his brother, with no mention of Erutav confronting Vinas about it, let alone his death. This variation of the story is usually titled The Folly of Sabbas, and is used to teach young Mechanicals the importance of creating locks on their spells, lest said spells might be used against them.

Cultural Reception

The story of Erutav's Revenge is usually told as a lesson against laziness. It was Vinas's laziness and desire to have someone make a spell for him, rather than create his own, that lead to his death. Therefore, if you expect a good outcome, the story teaches, you must work for it yourself. The name Vinas is even used by some Mechanicals to refer to someone who is lazy.   The alternate version, which excludes Vinas's death, is used as a lesson to teach young Mechanicals to lock their spells. Erutav warns Sabbas to locks his spell stones in case someone else tries to use them, but he ignores her, and dies because of his folly.

Cover image: The Thirteen Magics of Svene by Molly Marjorie


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