Copper Claw Clan Organization in The Outer Layer | World Anvil
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Copper Claw Clan


The birth of the Forebears and the subsequent alliance with the Tol Harda Sun Elves, transformed into Wood Elves through their life in the Abolan Forest, laid the foundation for a society deeply connected to nature and its preservation. This connection was formalized with the creation of the Covenant of the Growth, a sacred pact among the first significant clans: Copper Claw, Tur Leaf, and Nightblossom, later joined by the Yumi Clan. This covenant not only bound them to protect the forest and its denizens but also established a governance framework rooted in respect for the land and its ancient rhythms.  
Leadership within this structured yet fluid society comes from the Arch Druid, a figure of significant spiritual and temporal authority, selected through a council of representatives from each clan. This selection process ensures that the Arch Druid embodies the collective wisdom and commitment of all clans to the forest's well-being. Beneath the Arch Druid, High Druids lead their respective clans, offering counsel and ensuring that each clan's unique traditions and responsibilities are honored in the wider governance of the Druidic society.  
Day-to-day governance within the Druid clans emphasizes harmony with the natural world, guided by principles of sustainable living and mutual aid. The administrative bodies function through a decentralized network, where each clan manages its internal affairs while contributing to the collective needs of the Covenant. Taxation is minimal, primarily in the form of contributions of goods and services that support communal projects and the defense of the forest. Law enforcement is managed through a council of elders within each clan, focusing on restorative justice practices that seek to heal breaches within the community. Public services, including healthcare and education, are provided communally, with a strong emphasis on traditional knowledge and natural remedies.  
The welfare system within the Druid clans is deeply integrated with the ethos of environmental stewardship and communal care. Healthcare leans heavily on herbalism and ancient healing practices, supported by a network of healers and midwives trained in these arts. Education is holistic, focusing not only on practical skills such as agriculture and craftsmanship but also on the spiritual and ecological knowledge essential to living in harmony with the forest. Environmental stewardship is considered a sacred duty, with initiatives to protect and regenerate the forest, maintain biodiversity, and educate the community on sustainable practices.  
The Druid clans approach foreign affairs with a philosophy of balance and reciprocity. Diplomatic efforts are aimed at fostering peaceful coexistence and environmental cooperation with neighboring nations and entities. Treaties and trade agreements are pursued with an emphasis on sustainability and mutual benefit, reflecting the clans' commitment to living in harmony with all beings. Alliances are sought with those who respect the forest and its guardians, and conflicts are resolved with a preference for diplomacy and negotiation, always with the aim of preserving the sanctity of the Covenant and the well-being of the forest and its inhabitants.


The Druid clans celebrate the cycles of nature through festivals that mark the changing seasons, the planting and harvesting of crops, and the movements of celestial bodies. Ceremonies that honor the spirits of the forest, the river, and the sky are integral to their cultural practices. Social norms emphasize respect for all living things, communal support, and the stewardship of natural resources. Traditional crafts, storytelling, and music are highly valued, serving as both a means of cultural expression and a way to pass down knowledge.  
Unity among the Druid clans is achieved through a shared commitment to the Covenant of the Growth and a deep respect for the forest that sustains them. While each clan maintains its unique traditions and practices, intermarriage, communal festivals, and joint defense efforts against external threats foster a strong sense of solidarity. The council of representatives from each clan, led by the Arch Druid, exemplifies the collaborative approach to governance and decision-making.  
Legends of the Forebears, the transformation of the Tol Harda elves, and the founding of the Covenant are central to the national identity. Tales of Enic's blessing and the creation of the Wood Elves imbue the forest with a sacred quality and underscore the importance of living in harmony with nature. Stories of ancient heroes, mystical creatures, and significant historical events are recounted around communal fires, instilling a sense of wonder and reverence for the land.  
The Druid clans strike a balance between embracing necessary technological advancements and preserving traditional ways of life. While they utilize simple tools and techniques that enhance agricultural productivity and sustainable living, they are cautious not to disrupt the natural balance. Traditional knowledge of herbalism, animal husbandry, and forestry is valued equally with newer methods that promote efficiency and sustainability.  
Major settlements within the Druid clans are designed to blend seamlessly into the natural landscape, with structures built from natural materials that minimize environmental impact. Architecture emphasizes harmony with the surrounding environment, incorporating living trees, waterways, and natural light. Cities are characterized by communal spaces, gardens, and areas for meditation and reflection, reflecting the society's priorities of community and environmental consciousness.  
Religion is intertwined with the very essence of life for the Druid clans, centered around the worship of nature and the veneration of Enic. The spiritual connection to the forest and its creatures is fundamental, guiding daily practices and governance. While the Covenant of the Growth does not preclude other beliefs, the overarching spirituality is rooted in a pantheistic view of the world, where every element of nature is imbued with divine significance.  
Education among the Druid clans is holistic and experiential, focusing on learning through interaction with the natural world. Knowledge is spread through oral tradition, mentorship, and hands-on experience, with elders and skilled practitioners teaching the young about herbalism, ecology, history, and spiritual practices. Formal education includes learning about the balance of ecosystems, the principles of sustainable living, and the lore of the land, ensuring that each new generation is prepared to live in harmony with their environment and uphold the traditions of their ancestors.

Demography and Population

Mainly Forebears and Woodelves with a mix of other beastfolk races originating from the hunting grounds.

May the Growth be Protected

Enic grants the First humans with his boon
Fromata Visits
Covenant of the Growth is formed
Druidic Circle
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion


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