Hunting Lions Military Formation in The Ophelia VII 'Dust Zone | World Anvil

Hunting Lions

An elite corps of Shadowkeeper Custodes, raised by the Lockwarden and trained by the Primarch of the Dark Angels Lion el Jonson to be hunters without peer. The Hunting Lions (named in honor of the Primarch) stalk the paths and gardens of the forest of golden blossoms, which is the prison-body of the Serpent Jinlong, hunting down and killing the "Dragonettes" that are the dreams-given-form of the slumbering monster, lest they awaken and release their dreadful parent.



The Hunting Lions wear auramite armor like the rest of their Custodian brethren, but it is blackened as are all Shadowkeepers'. Although golden wargear would provide camouflage in the awful gold of their hunting grounds the metallic monochrome of the forest is sickening even to a Custodes, and blackened armor seems to provide some protection from the shifting uncertainty of Jonlong's prison-body. The design of the armor is less-ornate than other Custodes' with few gems and embellishments, and as suits their role as forest hunters it is designed for optimal movement and silence. The armor is asymmetric, heavier on the left side to protect the hunter as he fights - the Lions are trained to favor this side in combat - and lighter on the right to reduce weight and increase speed and mobility. Their robes are red and they bear the chained-portcullis icon of the Shadowkeepers on their right pauldrons.


Hunting Lions are armed with Guardian Spears - despite its length the spear is an ideal weapon for forest hunting - and Misericordia. In addition to these traditional Custodian weapons the Lions carry simple rifles to use when close confines prevent them from shooting with their spears.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy