Felinid Species in The Ophelia VII 'Dust Zone | World Anvil


The Felinid is a canon abhuman strain, detailed here on Lexicanum. This article provides additional fanon details and specifics.   The Felinids, also known as Homo Sapien Hirsutus, are a recognized strain of Abhuman within the Imperium. They are restricted to the world of Carlos McConnell1.

Basic Information


Humanoid abhuman strain. Approximately baseline mass (~90% fall within 5 to 95 percentile baseline range; all other scale comparisons to baseline at 50th percentile). Lower limbs digitigrade (straightened lower limb ~140% measured hip to floor). Height ~110%. Sharp claws on upper and lower digits. Carnivorous mammalian dentition. Body surface covered in dense, short (~1" or less in most areas, with some specimens possessing longer patches of ruffs, manes etc.) fur with extensive color and patterning variations. Vertical slit pupils. External ears are pointed, highly mobile and on top of the cranium. Tail ~50% of spinal length. "Feline" facial features.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Predominantly carnivorous, but limited omnivorous diet (especially in civilization).

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

"Feline" facial features.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Native and restricted to planet Carlos McConnell

Average Intelligence

Comparable to baseline

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Compared to baseline; Superior night vision, smell and hearing. Inferior color discernment, distance vision, and slow movement detection in daylight. Superior balance, co-ordination and reaction time.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Owning to body fur, are more prone to fleas, ticks and other haemophage insect parasites than baseline.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Primitive tribes & individuals do not wear clothing. Civilized communities & individuals dress appropriate to the culture they find themselves in, preferring cooler, more-neutral and less-vibrant colors.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Hirsutus
Comparable to baseline
Average Height
~110% of baseline
Average Weight
Comparable to baseline
Average Physique
Highly athletic; fast runners, exceptional jumpers, superior balance and co-ordination compared to baseline
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Extensive variation of patterning and coloration of fur. Longer patches in the form of ruffs, manes etc. have been observed (especially in males). Cutting, dying, braiding and other stylistic modifications are common among civilized members.