Bones of Saint Andral Item in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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Bones of Saint Andral

Turns out the man really had some skeletons in his closet.

The Bones of Saint Andral are a holy artifact. They consist of the bones of the former saint Andral, a holy man of the Morning Lord, who opposed Strahd von Zarovich in an attempt to free the land. The bones have a hallowing effect if sanctified properly.
The Wandering Apocalypse found the bones stolen from Saint Andral's Church. Father Lucian Petrovich requested their aid in returning them, fearing for the safety of his flock as long as the church remained unhallowed. The Wandering Apocalypse tracked the bones down and returned them to the Church, hallowing it once more.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Current Location

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