Wolf Knights Organization in The Northern Gates | World Anvil
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Wolf Knights

The Fangs of the Wolf Queen

In the centuries leading to the Wolf Queen's ascension to power, the Homeland found itself constantly embroiled in war. During this time, many armies have campaigned across these accursed lands. Of these armies, none have ever matched the Imperial Wolf Knights of her majesty Tora. These knights are bigger, stronger, and more durable than standard humans and fight with a ferocity known only to wolves.
The Wolf Knights have claimed much of the main continent of the Homeland in their holy cause, more territory than any known army before them. Now over-extended supply lines, attrition, and mounting losses have stalled their progress to a standstill.
Still, even in their current state, the Wolf Knights are still a symbol of hope and strength to the citizens of the Empire of the Wolf, and a product of nightmares to its enemies.
Military, Army
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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