Calorus the Venerated Character in The Northern Gates | World Anvil
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Calorus the Venerated

Militant Commander Calorus Lordheim (a.k.a. the Great Wolf)

Though it was Bright who masterminded the Wolf Queen's rise to power, it was Calorus who enacted it. As the Wolf Queen's champion, he led (and continues to lead) the Wolf Knights with a ferocity long since lost to man. Known as the Great Wolf, Calorus is friend, advisor, and general to the Wolf Queen. Favored servant of her majesty, he is her sword, shield, and mirror.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Calorus is physically massive. In his childhood, the weak of the pack were left to die, resulting in Calorus being stronger and faster than most humans.

Body Features

Calorus' skin is fair, though not pale.

Facial Features

Braided beard.

Identifying Characteristics

Enlarged canines and stylized wolf tattoo on his back.

Physical quirks

Ambidextrous. Alpha walk. Sneases when joking.

Special abilities

Heightened Wolf senses.

Apparel & Accessories

Wolf uniform. Half cape, wolf scull on shoulder.

Specialized Equipment

Multiple forms of combat. He is competent.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Calorus was raised alongside Tora in the wilderness of Norway by wolves. He was considered the finest hunter in the pack, and found acclimatizing to human society extremely difficult. Because of this he often spent much of his time with wolves, rather than with other humans. When the Wolf Queen took power, Calorus killed Lord Roðin in single combat, earning him the title "the venerated." From here, the Great Wolf would serve as the commander militant of the Wolf Knights, leading his brothers in the Reunification War.


Calorus was raised by wolves, meaning he had no formal education prior to his re-introduction to society. He is, however, well versed in the arts of hunting, stalking, and most of all: battle.


Calorus' position is one of great power: Commander Militant of the Wolf Knights. He was chosen not only for his skill in battle, but for his loyalty to her majesty and his incorruptible nature.

Accomplishments & Achievements

During the Wolf Queen's ascension Calorus defeated Lord Roðin in single combat. Calorus' reputation quickly spread as the man who killed the Monster of the East, culminating in his title "the venerable."
Since then, Calorus has personally led a string of brutal strikes against the warring states of the Homeland. Additionally, forces under his command have placed the Wolf Queen as the dominant power in the reunification war, securing massive swaths of the main continent.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite Calorus' tactical aptitude, he has little understanding, or patience for, strategy. He relies heavily on Dex and the Wolf Queen to determine long-term strategies while he executes them. This has led to losses in the campaign as Dex is a fickle man and the Wolf Queen is not a military woman, far more skilled in the running of an Empire than running it.

Mental Trauma

Calorus won't talk about his past, but he did not reach many developmental milestones. Because he was raised by wolves, Calorus' temperament is closer to that of a feral animal than the favored advisor of the ruling monarch.

Intellectual Characteristics

Coup d'œil is the ability to analyze terrain and immediately know its tactical advantages or disadvantages. Calorus is gifted in this skill and makes heavy use of the environment during combat.

Morality & Philosophy

Calorus is a wolf at heart. He is fiercely loyal to his pack-mates, especially the Wolf Queen. He also believes deeply in fairness and will sheath his sword when engaging an unarmed opponent.

Personality Characteristics


Cast out and raise with Tora

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good traction, bad strategist. Street smart, not book smart. Instinctual. Unrelenting and won't surrender. Never gives up. Temperamental.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes Dex, society, boats, and religion. Likes wolf queen, fighting, and wolves.

Virtues & Personality perks

Pragmatic takes no one's shit. Exceptionally loyal.

Vices & Personality flaws

Exceptionally loyal. Easily anger. Stubborn.

Personality Quirks

Sneases when joking.


Like a wolf.


Religious Views


Social Aptitude



Stoic, stubborn, honest.

Hobbies & Pets

Hunting the weak


Low gothic

Wealth & Financial state

Doesn't care for money.
Lawful Nuetral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Protector of the Realm
Year of Birth
970 BY 29 Years old
Current Residence
Yellow wolf-like eyes
Long braided blonde hair
6' 5"
250 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Dex and I are best friends." *sneases*
"You reek of fear."
"You lack the spirit of the wolves."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Wolf.
Character Prototype
Leman Russ

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