Imperial Cult Organization in The Northern Gates | World Anvil
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Imperial Cult


  1. 1) The Wolf Queen: Goddess incarnate
    2) Lady Katrina
    3) Wolf Priests: Priests who oversee the spiritual health of those around them

Public Agenda

Worship the Wolf Queen, the one true ruler of the realm.


Millions of followers


Dexter Bright created this cult as a means to circumvent the realm's refusal to follow a female leader. Eventually, Dexter lost control of the cult, and the worship of the Wolf Queen became commonplace. Now, the Imperial Cult is the official religion of the Empire.

Mythology & Lore

In a time of turmoil and war, the Empire found itself fractured and weak. Many starved in the streets, many more died in brutal wars for control of the homeland. Unable to watch this, the Goddess Tora intervened, reuniting the Empire and beginning her reunification war to bring the homeland back under the control of a single power. Under her holy gaze, prosperity, security, and peace have returned to the lands she has liberated.

Divine Origins

Dexter Bright founded the Imperial Cult in order to allow Tora to take power in the Empire. Dexter also, however, lost control of it and the cult spread across the lands like a wildfire.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Imperial Cult literally facilitated the rise of the Wolf Queen to Empress, so there's that.

"Faith in the Pack"

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Cult of the Wolf Queen
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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