Dexter Bright Character in The Northern Gates | World Anvil
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Dexter Bright

Mr. Brightside

Dexter Bright (a.k.a. The Golden Saint)

When the Wolf Queen rose to power, she did not do it alone. Behind the scenes, an army of spies, smugglers, and informants followed a meticulously planned script to ensure her success. This script was written by an unexpected ally. The sole survivor of his fallen church, Dexter Bright was the spider who wove intricate webs leading to the Wolf Queen taking the throne. An organizational genius, Dex is calculating, ruthless, and entirely self- serving. This self-serving nature has led to a strained relationship between the him and practically everyone he works with, and yet he is too valuable to lose.

Divine Domains

The Light

Holy Books & Codes

Codex of the Silver Knights
Tenants of the Light

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A white sun

Tenets of Faith

We are the lantern which illuminates the path to righteousness. We are the light which wards off the dark. We are the pyre upon which the wicked are burned. We are the flame of retribution, the burning sword which shall avenge the fallen. We are the Silver Knights of the Order of the Light.


September 5 is the Day of Mourning for the Order of the Light. This is the day which saw the death of the original Church of the Light, and all of its members.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As he was formerly a knight, Dex is well built. In addition, he often accompanies knights personally and leads by example, meaning he is far from sedentary.

Body Features

Dexter is fair, but not pale despite almost never being seen without his armor.

Facial Features

Dex's face his no visible scarring. He has a black (greying) beard under his helmet. Perhaps the most striking feature of his face, however, are his glowing white eyes.

Physical quirks

Dexter is left handed. Additionally, he has a confident gait and will expect others to move out of his way, never vice versa.

Special abilities

Dexter's X-factor is the ability to reverse time. He uses this sparingly, usually only 5 seconds to correct a mistake. One time, he set time back by half an hour, but this drained him considerably. More often than not, Dexter will simply slow time, rather than reverse it. This also allows Dexter to move at impossible speeds in combat. In game, Dexter takes two additional turns and has several combat-specific abilities:
Blink: Dash behind opponent, surprising them and deal 1d10 damage. Int saving throw
One blade, one strike: Strike two enemies with one attack. Uses per turn is Dex modifier.
Sword Duelist: Instead of dealing damage, force the enemy to make a Ref save DC : 10+BAB+Dex DC : 25
Divine Wrath: Any enemy that comes within a 30 foot radius must make a will save DC 15+HD+Cha DC : 30
Blade Master: When struck, can use reaction to make melee attack against assailant. 2x per round
Sword & Fist: Bonus action to melee attack (1x per round)
Sword Mauler: When Grappling, stab and throw the target 10ft away. They land prone, take 2d10 dmg & 1d4 bleeding dmg every turn until end of encounter.
Finisher: Deal double damage to prone creatures.
Blade Shield: Enemies within 25 ft. take disadvantage on any attack directed at the user.

Apparel & Accessories

Dexter wears a suit of armor that glows gold. He never removes his helmet, but enjoys putting others' hats over it as a power play.

Specialized Equipment

Dexter's primary weapon is Lightbringer, a glowing sword and an artifact of the light. He is bonded with this sword, and can call it back to him at will. He often utilizes this feature by throwing Lightbringer at his target before recalling the blade to his grip. Lightbringer never seems to miss its target, making this strategy deadly effective. Though he is bonded with the blade, Dexter does not fully understand the weapon. His second artifact is his gauntlet. Worn on his right hand, Dexter's gauntlet acts as an amplifier for his magic attacks. Additionally, Dex often uses the gauntlet to block attacks or to grab/disarm opponents. To top it all off, it cannot be removed from his grip without his consent. This gauntlet is also bound to his armor. Calling to back to him will also call his armor to him, allowing him to suit up extremely quickly. Third is Dexter's crossbow. This magic weapon can be recalled to Dexter at will and does not utilize ammunition. Dexter does not often use this weapon, preferring to throw Lightbringer instead. Still, he keeps it on him just in case.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once upon a time, Dexter Bright was a sentinel of the Church of the Light. He served with distinction for nearly a century, serving alongside his brothers to safeguard the Oslo chapter. When the scouring of the Light began Dex was attending the birth of his son, sparing him the fate of his kin. When he returned to the temple, he and his wife were attacked by a group of traitors. Dex would survive the attack, though his wife would succumb to her wounds. After this, Dex would take his newborn son to Knight Barriston, who hid them. Following his wife's passing, Dexter would take on the moniker "Dexter Bright" and establish the Black Sun Syndicate. He would use his intricate network of spies and informants to hunt those who had razed his church until he was approached by Tora, the Wolf Queen. Dexter played a vital role in instigating her rise to power, establishing the Imperial Cult. Convincing thousands that Tora was a goddess incarnate, the Imperial Cult allowed her to seize the reins of power in the Empire. As she waged her reunification wars, Dexter provided her resources and auxiliaries while simultaneously rebuilding the towns left in the wake of the war. This altruism would serve a double purpose for Dex. The Imperial Cult would mask his true loyalties while his rebuilding efforts would mask the expansion of the Black Sun Syndicate. Additionally, Dexter's total control of the black market has led him to make forays into legitimate trading. During this time, Dexter would create the Order of the Silver Knights, the successor to the Church of the Light. With this new order, Dex began to plan his revenge on the Darkness, all while raising his son in secret.


Dexter was trained alongside a group of 50 knights in the Church of the Light. He was neither the best nor the worst in the group, landing somewhere close to the middle. Despite his average combat prowess, Dexter was one of the order's finest negotiators and strategists.


Dexter is a businessman before all else. He dominates the Black Market, and uses these funds to rebuild his church in secret. In addition to selling illegal goods, he also has a string of taverns acting as fronts for his operations.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of Bright's finest achievements, and arguably his most important one, is establishing the Imperial Cult and helping facilitate the Wolf Queen's rise. Another is his domination of the black market, no small feat. If asked directly, however, Bright would respond that his greatest achievement is Samuel Bright, his son. Bright takes great pride in his son and keeps Samuel separated from his other businesses to protect him.

Failures & Embarrassments

Bright's greatest failure was standing idly by while everyone he knew was killed in a single night. He is still haunted by his failure to protect not only his family, but his wife.
Bright is also not a fan of being right hand man to anybody, and is fiercely independent. Despite this, he "serves" the Wolf Queen but often acts out just to remind her that she doesn't own him.

Mental Trauma

Bright is plagued by nightmares of the night his church was annihilated. Often, he sees the face of his friends and comrades begging him to save them, only for him to fail. Another common thread is for his wife's face to appear among them, or worse, Samuel's.

Intellectual Characteristics

Bright is a scheming and calculating man. He sets broad goals with multiple different ways to succeed before hounding these goals obsessively. Without his strategic mind, Dex is no more dangerous than any garden variety knight. With it, he is an incredibly dangerous foe and a valuable ally.

Morality & Philosophy

Dexter has a very loose set of principles which he holds both himself and others to. Family is strictly off limits to Dexter and needless killing is seen as "irredeemably ugly." This goes for both people and creatures. Dex also frowns upon the mistreatment of prisoners and torture, unless the victim spited him in some way, even the smallest grievance. All bets are off, however, should Dex's son be threatened. When it comes to Samuel's safety, nothing is sacred.

Personality Characteristics


While Dexter serves the Wolf Queen, his loyalties ultimately lie elsewhere. First and foremost, Dexter wants to raise his son well. He also desires to avenge the members of his church and rebuild the long dead order.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Dex is an adept negotiator and organizational savant, but he is exceptionally petty and, more often than not, uses these skills to get back at those who spited him.
He has an innate charisma, but is also an arrogant prick and smartass, which offsets that a bit.

Virtues & Personality perks

Dexter is patient, calculating, and intelligent.

Vices & Personality flaws

Temperamental, will seek to return any minor annoyance tenfold.
Extremely proficient gambler, banned from many casinos. Shows up anyways, especially the ones he owns.

Personality Quirks

Has a favorite coin he flips in his hand.
Really enjoys making small power plays, large power plays, and power plays in general.


Dexter has above average hygiene and keeps the Spire immaculately clean. Additionally, he wears heavy cologne whenever meeting the Wolf Queen to irritate the Great Wolf, whose sense of smell is easily overwhelmed.


Contacts & Relations

Dexter has a wide network of contacts, partners, and even some friends. Noteable members of the Black Sun Syndicate include:
Fat Bastard: Head of Mr. Bright's black market operations. His name is unknown, but he uses the moniker of Fat Bastard at Bright's behest.
High Lord Barriston: Head of the Silver Knights, Barriston is one of Bright's most trusted advisors. Paladin Gregori: Bright's right hand man, Paladin Gregori is one of Bright's closest friends. Bright often looks to Gregori for input and usually brings Gregori with him as an aide and liaison.
Paladin Kavari: Enforcer of the Black Sun Syndicate. Bright and Kavari are drinking buddies.
Daniel Wolfsbane: Head of intelligence. Wolfsbane oversees the criminal elements of the Black Sun and reports anything unusual to Bright.
Samuel Bright: Dexter's son. Currently enrolled at Jerusalem Academy for the Gifted.

Family Ties

Allegra Calvary (Wife/deceased)
Samuel Bright (Son)

Religious Views

Dex still believes strongly in the Church of the Light, though his interpretation differs from the Old Church in many ways. Firstly, Dex believes that the "Light's will" is meant as a metaphor since he's never actually heard the Light talk to him. Because of this, he acts in the spirit of the Church, rather than by the literal interpretation of their scripture.

Social Aptitude

Bright has an innate charisma and is a confident speaker, sometimes overly so. He is a shrewd negotiator and borderline likable at times. However, Bright's words are also dripping with sarcasm, and he enjoys playing games with those around him. He is always amusing himself, sometimes at the expense of others. Worsening this, he is cunning and despite never removing the helmet, there is no mistaking the shit-eating grin beneath it.


Bright is a gestural speaker, often speaking with his hands. Even when unnecessary, Bright will often make his speech a theatrical performance, if for no other reason than to amuse himself.

Hobbies & Pets

Bright has 5 of the 6 dragons on Earth at the Spire. He is friends with the two eldest, the parents of the brood. He enjoys training the children, as well as learning to speak draconian.
Bright also enjoys spending time with his son. He often has sparring matches with Samuel to better teach the boy how to handle himself, or teaches the boy about the arts.
Dex also enjoys strategy games, such as chess or war games. He also enjoys gambling, but only because he usually wins.


Bright makes a habit of saying "toodles" as a farewell, causing many in the Silver Knights to also adopt the phrase, to Bright's amusement. Bright's words, as stated before, drip with sarcasm and he is a prolific speaker. He is also a drama queen, and has a tendency to be more dramatic than necessary. (i.e. "Bonsoir, sir! Bonsoir!" when departing from a meeting with the French governor)

Wealth & Financial state

Dexter Bright is an extremely wealthy man. His white knuckled grip on the black market has resulted in the storerooms in the Spire bursting with swag. A considerable amount of these funds are devoted to the Wolf Queen or to rebuilding efforts for devastated towns. Another large swathe is used on one of Dex's many side projects or to pay the men and women of the Black Sun Syndicate. Dex's side projects include large-scale construction, excavation, vehicle construction/maintenance, experimentation, and other things Dex "wants to try."
What's left is often dispersed among Bright's lieutenants or stored in the Spire. Very little is kept in storage, however, in order to protect the economy of the areas where Dex operates and because he doesn't want to build more storerooms.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral (Borderline Good)
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Protector of Earth
Lord High Commander of the Silver Knights
Governor of Jerusalem (unofficial but we all know who's in charge here, right?)
Year of Birth
899 BY 100 Years old
Current Residence
Mt. Calvary
Glowing white
Black (greying), slicked back
6' 2"
195 lbs. (88.45 kg)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Oh well done, captain! Perhaps now your lover shall scream your name as you elope, rather than mine. I, however, make no promises."
"Toodles." (Members of his order believe this to be an honorific departing statement)
"I was too slow to save them, though perhaps I am just in time to avenge them. With Lightbringer in my hand and my knights by my side, I shall find peace for the slain."
"I want you to repeat what you just told me, slowly, and then tell me why I'm about to kill you."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Dexter speaks English and Hebrew.
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Count Dooku

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