Mt. Calvary Geographic Location in The Northern Gates | World Anvil
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Mt. Calvary

Fortress of the Light

The last bastion of the Light, Mt. Calvary is the unofficial citadel of Jerusalem. Once, it was a sacred site to the church, now it is the only site the church still controls. Here, the resurgent Order of the Silver Knights attempt to rebuild their fallen order. This is also the home of Dexter Bright, the Golden Saint.
From their fortress chapel built into Mt. Calvary, the Silver Knights collect artifacts of the Light, lick their wounds, and attempt to preserve their fallen order.


Mt. Calvary is a skull-shaped mountain outside of the city of Jerusalem. This is the mountain on which it was said that the Idol was crucified in the Book of the Light. After the Long Night, Dexter Bright chose Mt. Calvary as the new headquarters of the Church of the Light.
He built the Spire, the single largest military construction project he would ever take. The Spire is a massive fortress built into Mt. Calvary which houses Dexter's new order, his dragons, the barracks of the Silver Knights, and the Vault of the Enlightened.

Fauna & Flora

Bramble bushes line the pathways to the Spire, and elk are allowed to roam the mountainside. Despite the hostile nature of the middle-east, Mt. Calvary is completely free of spirits, monsters, or any other magical entities.
Alternative Name(s)
The Spire
Mountain / Hill
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