Niflhir Ethnicity in The Nine Worlds of Heimar | World Anvil
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Niflhir (of Niflheim)

Long before Ragnorok, the Old Aesir discovered an ancient world they named Niflheim. On this world were ruins of an ancient civilization, and the evidence of a planet wide mass extinction event. A foreboding precursor of what would befall the Aesir if they were not careful. The Old Aesir determined that this now desolate and barren world once had a Worldsoul, and it's destruction is what led to Niflheim's current state. However, they also discovered that contact with their own worldsoul energy seemed to reawaken the echoes of Niflheim's worldsoul, and a spark of possibility was awakened in them. In the coming years the Aesir would try repeatedly and unsuccessfully to revive Niflheim's worldsoul. When Ragnorok was fulfilled, a very small research team and their families were left stranded on Niflheim with no technology, and no outside contact. They believed themselves to be the only survivors of Ragnorok, and were facing extinction themselves if they could not find a way to survive on a barren planet with no natural resources or other life forms. The only thing Niflheim had was rocks, glaciers, and a series freshwater springs that the research facility was built on.   As a last ditch effort to preserve their people, the surviving Aesir decided their best hope was to choose a few of their members to cryogenically freeze, in hopes that some day, someone would come for them. As the technology was incredibly crude and untested, any that were not frozen laid down their lives to attempt to keep the cryo chambers running for as long as possible. By using scrap to build self sufficient hydro generators and using the springs to keep the only remaining Yggdrasil seedling alive, they were more successful than any could have hoped.   However, in the span of 1500 years, many of the chambers did fail and their contents froze to death. Those in chambers that did remain, remained frozen until one day, the entire facility unexpectedly came to life. Long dormant console panels, satellite arrays, the entire worldsoul project powered up. With it, the Worldsoul Reviver they had built for this purpose began its power up sequence, and in many flashes of light and booming pulses it completed its first and only successful run. In the center of the facility a bright glowing ball of energy stood encased in ice, alive and vibrant. The Isa Worldsoul was reborn, and at the moment of its rebirth the void within the frozen Aesir was filled with a new Worldsoul. They exited their frozen prisons not only to find a fresh new worldsoul, but Bi-frost gate, active and glowing, beckoning them home.


Shared customary codes and values

Kinship, Family, Teamwork, Survival, Endurance.

Average technological level

Being only a remnant of a long dead age, Niflhir have no technological level on their own.

Common Dress code

Men have large amounts of facial hair to stay warm on the icy misty planet. Woman keep their hair long and all niflhir wear warm clothin in many layers.


Beauty Ideals

So much time in stasis has left any survivng Niflhir thin, pale, and physically weak. They usually have straight hair that can be long or short. They always have blue eyes, and typically blonde, or brown hair.
Perks: Acess to the Isa Worldsoul Niflhir are the only ones able to remember the full details of their heritage. You gain advantage and amn additional +3 to History checks relating to the Old Aesir A renewed worldsoul and the favor of fate fill your heart with hope +1 to Spirit
Penalties: So much time in stasis has left them few in numbers, and forever altered. Increase the damage of all fire and heat based wounds by 1d8 . & -1 to Strength or Reflex. Your Choice
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