Bordav's Journal Collection Item in The Nine Worlds of Heimar | World Anvil
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Bordav's Journal Collection

A series of journals considered absolutely invaluable from the era of the Old Aesir. Bordav was proficient in multiple realms of science and traveled all across the nine realms, documenting everything he learned and studied. Even in the time of the Aesir there were only a few copies made and the collection was scattered across many areas. A sixth journal was published by Bordav's successor, Lith, after the rest of the collection was recorded into the archive and is considered the rarest of the collection. As player's discover more journal collections, the bonus granted by the item is gradually increased.
  For each collection piece in possession: +1 to Medicine, History, Nature, and Harvest.
  Collection Pieces
  • 1/4 Bordav's Vivarium - a journal detailing the behaviour, diet, survival conditions, and anatomy of various critters and beasts.
  • 2/4 Bordav's Tea Cupboard - a journal detailing the identifiaction and uses of plants and minerals found all over Heimar.
  • 3/4 Bordav's Chronicle - a journal detailing the various histories of the people's across Heimar
  • 4/4 Bordav's Field Guide - a journal detailing the neccessary habits and techniques to survive travel across hostile landscapes. Primarily consisits of wound treatment techniques, knowledge on edible substances, tips and tricks for dealing with foreign cultures, and more.
    • 5/4 Lith's Mechanical Appendum to Bordav's Collection - a commentary on the other journals that also gives insight in how to apply the knowledge within to new circumstances. While this is in your possession, you may apply your collection's bonus to crafting checks as well.


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