Rozol, the Harbinger Item in The Nine Realms | World Anvil
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Rozol, the Harbinger

The Glaive crafted from the remains of the Great Dragon, Rozol is among the mightiest weapons in the history of creation. Hrothmund paired it with Uroksvaal to become a True God of War. Legends tell of Hrothmund spending countless days crafting the blade of the weapon from the Great Dragon's Heartstone, chipping away at the rock to a razor edge that glowed like white hot metal. Infused with fiery fury, Rozol became a symbol for Hrothmund, legends explaining the presence of a red comet in the sky every few hundred years as the a manifestation of Rozol streaking across the sky in memory of the God of War.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Spear itself is tied to the user, and the user must die before it can be wielded by another. Because of this, the spear will always return to the hand that threw it, burning itself into existence after exploding at the target

Manufacturing process

Hrothmund used a hammer and chisel to chip away at the large stone, before binding it to a large splinter of bone he'd retrieved from the Dragon's carcass. When Hrothmund died, Drakaris took the weapon, and improved upon the weapon using Starsteel, crafting the form of Rozol more commonly seen and depicted in temples and heraldry.


Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Current Location
10 tons
12 feet long
Raw materials & Components
Bones and Heartstone of the Great Dragon

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