Rigipod Species in The Nightlight Zone | World Anvil
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The Rigipod is a giant fish that uses its fins to walk on the seabed, taking on a scavenging lifestyle. Despite its fins appearing extremely thin, they can carry the fish over vast distances. Although, if these fins get pushed around by a predator enough times, the fish can buckle under its weight, and fall down on the ground. At this point it will become unable to get back up, and will likely give up any chance of survival.

Basic Information


The Rigipod has a long scaly body with a tapered end. Its head is round, with six small eyes, strands of skin trailing behind the creature, and a flexible proboscis replacing its jaws. Its pectoral and tail fins have elongated ends, and act as stiff pseudo legs, while its dorsal fin takes up half of its body.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Rigipods will attempt to mate with just about any other member of their species they come across, due to this species' solitary lifestyle. After initially getting used to each other's presence, the Rigipods will mate, giving birth to live young. Soon after the babies are born, the parents will stand in place for a long period of time to keep watch, until the young can walk on their own. Afterwards, they may begin playing with each other, usually nipping each other's faces with their proboscises. 

Growth Rate & Stages

Early on, newborn Rigipods will have trouble getting used to their legs, and will need guidance from their parents. Once they can take at least a few steps, the family will get a move on to find food. After the young have had their first few meals, they'll be able to handle walking and finding food on their own, but they'll still need to get larger in order to deter large predators from attacking them. As adults, they'll begin living on their own, likely never meeting many other Rigipods for the rest of their lives.

Ecology and Habitats

Rigipods live in the Dunes,  and spend all of their time traveling on foot over the vast expanse of sand, in solitude. Their tracks are especially noticeably among the other creatures in their habitat, lest the currents and sinkholes ruin them. These fish often fall victim to the sinkholes in the Dunes, and they have a lot of trouble getting out of them because of their pseudo legs. Even if they get lifted off the ground, their fins are not built for swimming out of the pull.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rigipods are hardy scavengers, and will feed on just about any carcass they can find, but they favor Agelisichthys, Sandback Turtles, and Ammatheres. They rarely actively hunt prey, but may do so if they get desperate enough. They'll accomplish this by shooting their proboscis at an unsuspecting prey item, puncturing a vital area, and consuming their insides while they attempt to swim away.

Biological Cycle

Over time, the strands of scales behind their heads will get worn down, sometimes easily getting damaged in an attack. These strands are thought to be a manner of courting other Rigipods, though this has yet to be confirmed.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Rigipod's senses are generally well-rounded, but it does rely on sight and smell more often than not. It also has great hearing, while only really useful for hearing threats sneaking up behind it.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Many smaller species, namely the Deep Koi, will swim near these fish as a form of protection. Because Rigipods are rarely aggressive with most other species, and they can defend themselves against large predators if need be, they provide an ideal safe spot for small creatures looking to get away from predators. The Rigipods themselves don't seem to mind it when there are small species swimming near them.
Scientific Name
Bathypterois lutum
Average Height
32 ft.
Average Weight
1,225 lbs.
Average Length
25 ft.
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blue skin, yellow fins, glowing navy eyes
Geographic Distribution
Average Intelligence

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