Agelisichthys Species in The Nightlight Zone | World Anvil
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A large social omnivore that will eat just about anything it comes across. It has an ability to create a strong vortex with its mouth, which it mainly uses for gathering food, but can only do so for a short amount of time before tiring. These creatures also defend themselves with their armor, their school, and their speed in the water. However, there have also been instances of them biting predators in vulnerable areas in order to make them back down.

Basic Information


The Agelisichthys has a long streamlined body with bony armored covering its head and half of its body. Their mouths are large, with bristled feeding appendages protruding from the sides, and small teeth lining the jaw. Their dorsal and pectoral fins are thin and angular, with the tailfin being shaped vaguely like a crescent.

Genetics and Reproduction

Male Agelisichthys will often try to get a female's attention by swimming side-by-side, nibbling, or attempting to initiate a small playful race. Though, this happens periodically, and Agelisichthys are picky with one another. If a female fish finds the time with a male to be enjoyable, they will pair up for most of their lives from then on. Their children are born live instead of from eggs, and it takes a rather long time for this species to give birth, leaving the father to have to constantly keep watch while the young emerge.

Growth Rate & Stages

Baby Agelisichthys stick close together for their early youths, and are near completely defenseless, relying on their parents and their school for their protection. As newborns, their feeding appendages will start out very well developed, allowing them to filter feed to survive. Their teeth take longer to develop, and it won't be until later in life when they begin to eat meat and plants at all. As adults, their armor will become much stronger, and some of the young will leave their school in order to join another, or form their own.

Ecology and Habitats

These fish are found in the the dunes of the Nightlight Zone, and they spend much of their lives traveling in a school in order to watch out for each other, rarely touching the seabed as long as they are alive. They are also very strong swimmers, and most adults are able to survive getting sucked into the sinkholes that commonly appear in their habitat. Though, they are not prone to helping each other escape, as they are virtually unable to with their simple anatomy.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These creature mainly filter feed swarms of krill, uproot Pygmy Palms from the ground, and even feast on a Desert Wanderer if they get hungry enough. When filter feeding, they form large vortexes with their mouths, while their bristles capture any krill that happen to get caught inside. They mainly use their teeth to eat plants and larger creatures, but sometimes their feeding appendages get in the way, and cause the creature to choke on their food and potentially die.

Additional Information

Social Structure

These fish commonly live in schools, which are formed by lone individuals encountering each other by chance, and sticking together for the time being. They mostly form schools in order to protect each other with numbers. If one individual sees a predator, they can alert the others, and they all can flee the scene. School members will also try to protect any younglings that are born, and when they become adults, the young can leave the school to travel on their own and meet another Agelisichthys they find out in the open.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Agelisichthys has six small eyes, through which it senses the world around it. Its senses of smell and hearing are also fairly keen, which allow it to detect food better than its sight can. The bristles on its feeding appendages can also sense different types of plankton on their own as well.
Scientific Name
Agelisichthys armentum
Average Weight
1,500 lbs.
Average Length
30 ft.
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blue skin, dark blue-purple armor, glowing purple eyes
Geographic Distribution
Average Intelligence

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