Young Dragon Labour Vehicle in The New Realm | World Anvil

Young Dragon Labour


common method of transporting goods is the use of young alpha dragons. This method of transportation is controversial and there are several citizens of the New Realm that object to the use of young boys for cheap labour. They still use the method today in construction sites throughout the Realm.

Many young alpha boys are born from common folk. Common folk have no magical ability and can not change into dragons. This can be difficult for parents of alpha boys who can change into dragons, as the parents can not teach them the ways of a dragon. To resolve this, the Unified Religion created an apprenticeship program where at seven years old, an alpha boy is sent to live with a grown alpha male. The boy trains under the alpha dragon and learns the ways of a dragon. One method of training is working as a labourer at the construction sites.

The Unified Religion believes that this work builds strength and attachment to the organization. The Unified Religion believes that it is important to keep the alpha boys close to them, to instruct the boys in the correct belief system.

The Unified Religion pays the master of the apprentice a fee to send the boys to work. They transport heavy material from location to location. The young boys have become a vital method of transporting material quickly.



any citizens of the Realm object to the use of boys on construction sites. There have been accidents where boys have died. Furthermore, the masters often overwork and underfeed them. The Unified Religion believes this strict treatment will prepare the boys for adulthood, but it separates them from their parents. Some boys never see their family again and there are many stories of abuse and neglect. Yet, the practise still continues despite the brutality of the practise.

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