High Lord Rank/Title in The New Frontier | World Anvil

High Lord

High Lords are the highest authority in the Krallan Empire. In the past they answered directly to the Emperor. In those times each Emperor was choosing new High Lords to govern the Imperial Sectors and sit on the Council. After Aratoq's Rebellion the office of the High Lord was made hereditary together with the sector it was associtated with. After the rebellion the Imperial Council decided that they will search for people related to the emperor to sit on the throne. However, because Aratoq sent assassins most of the Imperial family and its relatives were killed. As time passed and no successes were made in that mission the council started to solidify as the ruling body of the Empire which had to keep order and peace.   High Lord has almost complete authority over his sector. The Imperial Council (and Emperor in the past) can intervene only under specific circumstances. On of them is war. During war the command of sector forces is moved to the Imperial High Command. Each sector has also the Guard which answers only to the High Lord.


In the times before the Aratoq's rebellion High Lords were appointed by each new emperor at the beginning of his rule. Now, as the office is hereditary, it goes to the High Lord's son or daughter after the death of the current occupant of the office.


High Lord oversees everything is his sector. In day-to-day operations he is the highest authority in the sector. High Lord has executive and judical power. He is also the chairman of the sector's ruling council, which is the legislative body of the sector.


The benefits of being a High Lord are very big. High Lords get income from industry and commerce in their sectors as well as part of the taxes. As members of the Imperial Council High Lords are the most important people in the empire.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

High Lord can be removed only by the Imperial Council if he breaks the law in a very serious way. However, it happens very rarely because the Council is made up of the High Lords. The only certain situation when a lord would be removed from office is a rebellion.

Notable Holders

  • Aratoq - High Lord of Deq and leader of the coup against the emperor 100 years ago
Civic, Political
Form of Address
High Lord, You Lordship, Lord
Source of Authority
Law of the Empire
Length of Term
Related Organizations


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