Zinovia Character in The New Forever | World Anvil
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Zinovia (a.k.a. Sunborn, Zinc, +)

Named after Zinc. She's 20 years old/11 Rattles old. She's very crafty, creating little gadgets to aid her in her daily life, sometimes to help with the shop, yet other times secretly selling them for vitamins since her family is large and can't all work yet. Zinc is somewhat like the caretaker of the family or took that role after her parents went away. She and her brother make sure their siblings survive the day.   Usually, she was Daddy's little girl, always keeping him wrapped around her finger. Even then she was still fiercely independent, and now, more than ever.   She has the same level of rebelliousness as Mary, but without the impulsiveness. Stubbornness runs in the family, but so does intellect. Her tongue may be sharp, but she doesn't always cut with it. At least not intentionally. When she does, it's poisonous effects leaves the intended harm. That's why she chooses her words carefully, especially after what happened with her father.   She has the shortest attention span, and the immense need to always keep moving. Always working. Always inventing. Always doing something. She can't simply stay still, it makes her anxious and antsy. The only time she does sit still, perhaps even for hours, is when she's creating or building something. That's when her tunnel vision kicks in, and miracles happen

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zinovia's body is pretty frail due to the lack of nutrients in her daily life, especially since all of her vitamin D come from bottles, but in addition to her family being rather poor and not being able to get large quantities of canned goods. Since she spends most of her time welding, it still gives her an average physical strength. Her agility is the only impressive attribute.    One of her less fortunate physical disadvantages is the hearing loss in her left ear caused by her first Rattle.

Identifying Characteristics

One of her mainly noticeable features is her fiery red hair that pops out among her desaturated environment.

Mental characteristics


Zinvoa works in a pawnshop that's run by her family and originally owned by her grandparents. After the misfortune that occurred to her parents, she and her brother Balt are now actively responsible to keep the business running since their grandparents have retired.

Mental Trauma

In Zinovia's early teen years, she had to witness her father, Rhoden, be prosecuted by guards after a surprise inspection which painted him as a traitor. Her intuition helped her realise that someone framed him with The Essence of False Forever propaganda, but for some reason, her father took the fall for it either way. He was kept in prison to be publicly executed by gradually exposing him to radiation as a "reminder" of what the rebel group encourages; the compromise of their safety. Zinovia and her siblings were forced to endure the pain of witnessing him wither away, until one day she received the news in school that her father had passed away.

Intellectual Characteristics

Zinovia is very observant and quick to decipher people or situations. She's also very strategic and can compose herself in stressful situations. Her greatest skill is the ability to craft pretty much anything out of limited resources.

Personality Characteristics


Zinovia's main goal is to take care of her family no matter the circumstances. Her siblings are all that matter to her, especially since their parents are no longer available. Though, after her revelation with The Essence of False Forever and the book her father left behind for her, a new motivation began to grow like a seed. A dream to see the world, to give her siblings the opportunity to see the world, and to break the restrictions put on New Aeternum.

Virtues & Personality perks

Zinovia is known for her ever growing curiosity and love to learn. It gives her a great resource of knowledge useful in her daily life, or other adventurous activities. Her intuition is also a tool of it's own which makes her an excellent judge of character.

Vices & Personality flaws

Zinovia may not be reckless in the spur of the moment, but when it comes to overthinking strategies that might get her in trouble, that's when she begins to stumble. Additionally, she's either too attentive to details to the point where she loses track of time, or so disoriented and lacking attention that she can't focus on a single thing, constantly jumping from one subject to another.


Contacts & Relations

Zinovia has a friend in another section of the city that's as red in the head as her. They both sneak out of their homes to meet since minors aren't allowed to travel on their own, and because tickets are too expensive since travel is mainly for business purposes.    One of her other affiliates is her neighbour. A white-haired girl who's perceived as an angel. As time passes, they become closer.

Family Ties

Her family is made up of her parents, Rhoden and Alumni. Her siblings in order are Balt, Piper, Ron, and Mary. Her grandparents are from her mother's side.

Social Aptitude

Zinovia is quite odd in her behaviour. Her social cues aren't very sharp, so she's quiet most of the time. She's reserved and keeps to herself unless she sees a reason not to. Despite that, she's reasonably confident in herself. She doesn't have much etiquette since she spends most of her time oiling gears and collecting scraps.


Zinovia has a bad habit of rambling while talking and unintentionally not giving the other person room to speak since she starts conversing with herself, which is something she often does.

Hobbies & Pets

Animals are extinct, so she's never had a pet. Unless you count a little machine that nods it's head yes or shakes it no at the touch as a pet. Her only hobby is building.


Wealth & Financial state

Zinovia's family is in the middle class. Not too poor, nor too rich. When it comes to wealth, they struggle, but since they own a business of their own that runs in a well-enough neighbourhood, they can get by without too many under the rug activities.
Current Location
Year of Birth
4060 TNF -1883 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
It was surely planned since so far they've had only one child. Seeing as now their boy has a sibling to befriend, her parents thought it was appropriate.
Current Residence
Large, doe-like, brown eyes with darker rims complimented by long eyelashes.
Long and fiery red hair that goes past her hips. After some time, she cut it shoulder-length.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin with freckles scattered all over.
50 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
What's so crazy about believing in something?
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Zinovia is most fluent in speaking Latin since that is her native tongue. Her father was determined to teach his children how to speak, read, and write English since it was never provided in their daily education due to The Higher Ups convincing the population that there was no use for it.

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