Goliath Species in The Neo Earth | World Anvil
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The goliaths came came both from the Lumin rifts and the Void rifts. Both of the the realms have their own variation of this giant race. The goliaths form Lumin tend to be more peaceful and secluded, while the ones from the Void conquered the entire continent of Semerica and claimed it as their own.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Goliaths have lifespans comparable to humans. They enter adulthood in their late teens and usually live less than a century. They have a natural affinity for elemental magic, with the Void goliaths favoring fire and lightning and the Lumin goliaths favoring frost, air and water.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Lumin goliaths have gentler features compared to Void goliaths, although to other races they still have a stern and intimidating look. Void goliaths have darker skin tones, in various shades of grey. Lumin goliaths are generally quite pale or have skin in shades of blue, although some may have skins tones quite close to humans. Both variations of goliath often use war paint, even when not preparing for battle.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lumin goliaths settled in the northen area of Norwen, sharing the capital of Bergen with humans. Void goliaths conquered the newly created country of Cheru and claimed the capital of Lima as their own. Both void and lumin goliaths can be found in the major capitals though, as many young goliaths venture there to explore and carve their own destiny.
Void goliaths are void born, lumin goliaths are lumin born
80 to 90 years
Average Height
Between 7 and 8 feet tall
Average Weight
Between 280 and 340 pounds
Average Physique
Their bodies look as if they are carved from mountain stone and give them great physical power.

Cover image: by Lucanii01