Brownies *WIP* Ethnicity in The Mycobiota of Lilienwelt | World Anvil

Brownies *WIP*

  • Humans, Gnomes that live and work in houses.
  • Brownies are gnomes that people (vanilla humans, mostly) have bribbed into living and protecting their house and will fight the other gnomes if the civil wars come their way. Sometimes it’s more of a mob protection type of thing: lovey home you got here, be a shame if something happened to it…
  • Sometimes the brownies stay with the house. Sometimes they follow a family when they move house and are kinda inherited.
  • They might be invisible or only come out when other people aren't around, either way they don't like to be seen.
  • And they don't like when the house is rearranged or decluttered, because that's where they live, under all that stuff. Maybe they create a pocket dimension in there to live in.


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