Richerus Organization in The Multiverse | World Anvil

Richerus (Rich-er-us)

Richerus is one of the three main nations on Debleron. It occupies the south-western side of the island.  


Richerus was first founded when Lord Clarence Saxe was able to unite the petty counts of the south and west roughly 100 years after the Imperium Collapse. The initial area of Richerus involved the Sagelands and the Sweeping Plains regions. Eventually, The Steelbury and Aleston regions were added to the would-be kingdom.   The founding capital of Richerus is Sagehaven, where the once Lord Saxe originally occupied. However when Steelbury was acquired from the local area, he relocated his seat of power to what is now known as Steelhaven and it has been the seat of power until recently when the crown was moved to Coalbrookedale.


With the majority of the nation located in the 'Central Belt' the climate of Richerus is fairly temperate and warm. The southern and northern tips of the country to start to take on the climate geography of the north and south however, with the areas north of Steelhaven occasionally seeing snow.   Richerus is very rich in hills and plains, and unlike the other nations, doesn't have much mountainous territory. As a result the country is perfect for farming. When combined with the eternal spring weather, the crop yield compared to other nations is significantly higher. The country also has a few deep forests, that are great for lumberjacking, but are also placed in just the right places to allow for easy transportation.
  Richerus is made up of 4 main regions, each one ruled by a Duke. The four regions cover the entireity of Richerus and are drawn in such a way that there is no overlap or confusion over the borders.


Steelbury is the most northen of the regions. It starts just south of Steelpit and goes all the way to the border with Deaangach. Steelhaven is the capital of the region. The settlements of Dewsbury, Steelpit and Hraftnoft also fall within the borders of Steelbury. Steelbury is the worlds main exporter of steel, with the mines in Steelpit providing the majority of the minerals required.


The Sagelands is the central region of Richerus and was the founding region of the country. The capital is the Sagehaven, but also includes the villages of Goldwyn and Willowshire. The Sagelands mostly consist of rolling plains and forests, containing the most of countires forestry. Despite being eclipsed in size by the likes of Steelhaven and Coalbrookdale, Sagehaven is still an extremely important settlement in Richerus.


Aethald is the southern region of Richerus and encompasses the Aethald Hills, the Port of Alelston and the capital city of Coalbrookdale. Most of the terrain in the Aethald is either hilly or full of forests. The mountains next to Coalbrookdale are filled to the brim with coal, which is wherethe namesake of the city came from.

The Plains

The Plains encompases the western most area of Richerus and is home to the town of Mallowbush and the port villages of Northton and Southton. The central area is full of hills, but has a nice long and flat coastline. As a result it has become a perfect place to fish and farm. It is the least populated region of Richerus.
Founding Date
Around 100 PI
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title


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