Guards of the Orca Organization in The Mellow Moon | World Anvil

Guards of the Orca

It's recently established, but the somewhat small faction has a great reputation already, and is motivated by protecting the people. They work closely with the crowns guard.   Arcsey is policed by the Guards of the Orca, rather than a separate guard. The guard is slightly underfunded, and their equipment sometimes falls into slight disrepair. Their officers are held accountable for their actions, though the Guards of the Orca does not have the funding to perform regular training exercises.   One can recognise a member of the Guards of the Orca by the their blue cloaks.   It's ruled by Zeckus Johnston, who was the strongest of the group. He is very competent, and his position is stable due to the lack of infighting for the leadership role. Bribes are treated as insults.


Members of the Guards of the Orca are identifiable by their blue cloaks. Membership requires a display of skill, and costs five hundred gold pieces that will given to there family should they fall during service, provided there's an empty slot. The initiation into the Guards of the Orca involves a simple form to be filled.

Public Agenda

Law in Arcsey is very much punitive based, and those that breach the laws can expect hard labour, incarceration, or sometimes public execution. Crime is an ugly stain on humanity, to be punished.

Protect the people, to protect the world

Military Order
Leader Title
Controlled Territories


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