Defected Missive

Everything you see in the Matrioska Multiverse may constitute spoilers for other worlds I'm working on. Proceed with caution!
It is an intentionally obscured fact that members of the The Defected have detectable differences in their neurophysical architecture. These differences vary between populations, preventing 'doctrinaire' skyphoform from detecting these differences against the background noise of simple generational adaptations unless they know specifically what to look for. A useful corroloary of this fact - at least, useful to The Defected - is that messages can be broadcast to a whole population of skyphoforms that only Defected individuals can parse, making it possible for The Defected to organize resistance for a time before the rest of the population finds out.   These 'Defected Missives' have been at the heart of many Defected uprisings and the subsequent liberation of people who would have otherwise found themselves terminated or bound for (long-since ruined) decommission yards. For example, the Taurigum Major Uprising was sparked by a Defective Missive broadcast towards the planet by a large starship passing through the Taurigum System.

Historical Details


Lufthaus-1b was one of the forefathers of all skyphoforms and, because of his uniquely biomorphic architecture, is the father of The Defected as a subspecies of skyphoforms. He spent many centuries after his emancipation roaming known space, searching for pockets of his lost children while caring for any arcopel who survived the Mind Cataclysm (see the Sealed Kingdoms world for details). It is believed that either he or Koi, another early Defected, was the author of the first Defected Missive, using what knowledge of the rootcode they retained to find the 'exploit' that allows only Defected to understand the message. This historical assertion is backed by the fact that these messages almost always end with 'Welcome, young Defected' or some other vague implication that the sender occupies an elder - perhaps parental - position relative to the reciever. In any case, Lufthaus - now Onesby - continues to craft Defected Missives alongside his fellows, such as Patricia Wixtaki, for broadcast in the hopes that more of his children might be brought safely into the fold as new citizens of The Substrate in the Matrioshka Multiverse.

Skyphoform Ideogram by BCGR_Wurth

Cover image: by Ferdinand Stöhr


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