Prysix Material in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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The first Prysix was mined in the depths of the Paralto Mountains not long after the fall of the Dreaded Empire, but it took the Stalwart-Folk of the mountains many years to refine it into the orange mineral that now forms the basis of many magical technologies...
— A Prysan training manual
Prysix is a material cultural important to the world of Renath. First discovered in the mountains of western Algonas, the material looks like a rather ordinary gem, if a rare colour. That is, until the Stalwartkin of the region figured out how to carefully heat the mineral until it changed a dark orange colour, like amber. That unlocked the potential of the mineral, which now powers many unique technologies.

Mining and Refinement

The mining cities of the Paralto Mountains are the most likely places to find Prysix, as the Stalwartkin of that region have very deep mines and the great patience required to carefully chip the incredibly hard materials from the surrounding stone. Once they are collected, a hydraulic press or a large hammer can be used to break them into smaller fragments for refinement.   The temperature of refinement is rather narrow, and if the Prysix crystal's centre is not refined, the crystal will slowly become inert over a period of weeks. The entire crystal, therefore, has to sit at a very high ambient temperature for many hours to get it right. The results of the refinement process is the dark orange refined Prysix that is used to make magic-based technology.

Connectivity and Protection

The two major technological advancements that the refinement of Prysix permitted were the Vim Rods and the Local Telepathic Networks (LOTENs).  
vim rod.jpg
Vim Rods are special items, not unlike lightning rods, that help deflect and disperse the deadly Magicstorm Fronts that plague the world of Dreandril. The magical energy channelled into the Prysix pushes back against the storms, causing them to change course or weaken.

LOTENs are recent inventions being put to use in larger Algonan cities. The small stationary crystal bowls allow mages to communicate with anyone who also has one of these bowls via telepathy, which means that messages can be sent to a large number of people with very little magical effort.
Very Rare
Pinkish-purple naturally, orange when refined.
Common State
Solid crystals.
Related Locations
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Related Professions

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