Gratic City Cemetery Building / Landmark in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Gratic City Cemetery

"Hopefully you will never have need of its services, but for those who have the money and the wherewithal to have their relatives or themselves interred within the city limits, there is a large cemetery located behind the Gratic City Temple of Etheric in the Temple District. Dominated by the marble Mausoleum of the Emperors and the stony-grey exterior of the Burial Chambers of the High Priests, the cemetery is a forbidding place for those who travel near it at night, even though the hallowed ground prevents the rising of undead."   ~ The City of Cities

Purpose / Function

This place is the final resting place of many generations of rich citizens of Gratic City, including the line of Gratic Emperors stretching back to the first Emperor and his family. The cost to have a member of one's family interred here is very high due to the limited space and the hallowed and special nature of the ground here.


The cemetery proper is surrounded by a small wooden fence covered in carvings and wards against entry by those of demonic origin. Inside, there are neatly kept rows of stones, with family members being interred together wherever possible.   The Mausoleum of the Emperors is a large structure dominated by its Plainér Marble dome that designates this structure as the most important part of this location. A great bronze door carved with mystical runes stands at the entrance of the place, as well as a warning in Common Gratic against entering the structure.   The Burial Chambers of the High Priests is a similarly sized and guarded structure, except that it is smaller in size and made out of regular local stone, giving it a humbler atmosphere.


The cemetery, built around hte same time as the temple proper, originally only covered the area directly behind the temple and was open only to those of noble birth. Following the end of the Red Rose War, the large number of dead soldiers were treated with honour and buried here as well, growing the size of the cemetery considerably and leading to the current size and shape.
Parent Location
Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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