Foreman of the Mines Rank/Title in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Foreman of the Mines


People raised to this role merely need to be put into the position by the local Head Magistrate. Of course, the Head Magistrate doesn't choose just anyone; the person is usually a local of the township the mine is located in, has some basic education, and tends to have ties to the current Head Magistrate, political or otherwise.


Foremen of the Mines do not have any specific requirements per se beyond a basic education.


The Head Magistrate sends a writ to the candidate, letting them know that they now have this position. At this point, the candidate can refuse, in which case the Head Magistrate will choose someone else.


Foremen of the Mines have a small set of duties:  
  • Keeping up the morale of the local miners to discourage rebellion;
  • Balancing and estimating the efficiency and profit of the mine; and
  • Being an authority for the mining operation; anyone needing to use the mine for reasons other than mining needs to be allowed to do so by the Foreman.
  • Responsibilities

    A Foreman has a few responsibilities as well:  
  • Keeping the accounts of the mine up-to-date and secure;
  • Protecting the mine from saboteurs and accidents by training miners effectively; and
  • Corresponding regularly with the Head Magistrate's offices to show how well the mine is doing.
  • Benefits

    A Foreman is, like the mine, paid for by the imperial government, but the sum is not large, and Foremen need to learn when and where to put their money for repairs and new ventures. A Foreman also receives a small mention in political circles, and a couple of Foremen have gone on to become Magistrates.

    Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

    If a large scale rebellion happens in a mining area, the Foreman must crush it or face replacement with someone more capable. This hasn't happened in decades, but it has happened before. Also, if a Foreman misuses the funds given to them by the imperial government and does not give a good enough reason, they may be replaced.


    The title was created in the aftermath of the Miners' Rebellion of 159 II in Plainér Town Town in Gratica Province, not even a day's ride from the capital.
    It is still used.
    Equates to
    Mine operators outside of the Empire may or may not have the same level of authority as a Foreman.
    Length of Term
    The post of Foreman lasts until he or she dies or decides to step down.
    First Holder
    Current Holders
    Related Locations
    Related Organizations
    Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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