Haldrac Hammerhanded Character in The Lost Chronicle of Bloodstone | World Anvil
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Haldrac Hammerhanded

Haldrac Hammerhanded

His name was Haldrac of the Hammerhand Clan. You've seen Dwarves, but not one nearly as tall or stout as him, among his Dwarvish peers he stands almost a head taller at 4' 9". A quiet person by nature, he is no less boisterous when he has a few pints in him. You can tell by the steely determination in his Blue eyes, that he means business when he sets his mind to it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Haldrac is very fit. Lots of walking and hard work have trained Haldrac into a walking Dwarf of muscle.

Body Features

Standing 4 feet 9 inches tall, at full height. Broad-shouldered with thick arms used to cut wood and bandit heads.

Facial Features

Haldrac has long hair and a tri-braided beard with Braid beads on the front of his beard. Each bead is inlayed with Dwarvish Runes. If you were to look closely and read Dwarvish, they read "Haldrac, Son of Uriel" While the other is adorned with the mark of Clan Hammerhand.   He has a large forehead, and nose that is neither too big or small for his face. Beneath his Reddish brown hair and striking eyebrows are a set of Blue eyes, set with Silver flecks.

Identifying Characteristics

Blue eyes instead of the normal coal black. His mother believes this to be the work of the Gods, as he was born as his parents sailed across the Moon Sea to reach Iron Fang Keep.

Apparel & Accessories

A Dwarf in good standing always has at least these 6 things on his person at all times.
  1. A weapon
  2. Gold
  3. A Cloak with a Hood to protect from the damp
  4. Flint and Tinder
  5. A flask of whiskey
  6. A pipe with smoking tabacc.
  7. A good set of boots

Specialized Equipment

He is currently trained and can use Brewer supplies. He used to make Mead while on a Caravan route, but as he left his usual haunts, and caravan company, does no longer possess that wagon.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Trained on the road Near Thar.
  • Reading ability - Proficient
  • Writing ability - Proficient
  • Counting and Maths - Proficient
  • Haggling - Very Proficient


Apprentice 7 years (12-19) - Uriel Hammerhand - 1361 - 1368 Partner 10 years (19-29) - Uriel Hammerhand - 1368-1378 Caravaner Independent 18 years (29-41) - 1378-1396
  • Region Thar and the Moon Sea
  • Morality & Philosophy

    Celebration is for Celebration Fighting is for Fighting   Do Good as you are able, you cannot help everyone. But you can be useful to those immediately around you.


    Family Ties

    Father: Uriel HammerHand Mother: Mevlia HammerHand ne Goldvein

    Stalwart, Battlemaster of the Woldthanes - Clan Hammerhanded

    Current Location
    Halls of the Hammerhanded - Bloodstone
    View Character Profile
    Neutral Good
    Date of Birth
    14th of Eleasis, 1349
    Year of Birth
    1349 DR 47 Years old
    Moon Sea, Ship - Wave Cutter.
    Current Residence
    Blue with Silver Flecks
    Reddish Brown groomed with beard.
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    4" 9"
    Known Languages
    Dwarvish, Goblinoid, Common

    The Silver Tower

    I am cataloging my, actually our, occurrence in the Silver Tower. Home of the Magus on the outskirts of Bloodstone City.   By Our, at the start it was myself and the elf whom I mentioned prior. He calls himself Kryden and seems dexterous using his fists and his staff. I've only seen a few of those individuals on the roads, but they usually stick close to their monasteries. After being attacked attempting to enter Bloodstone, I saw something only a Mage could do. Time seeming to pass around us that didn't affect either of us, or the surrounds, but affected the people. It was like they aged 70 years in the blink of an eye. The bandits weren't affected either, and after putting them down, we crossed the river after discussing with the people whom we were talking with at the Entrance. those individuals, whom we were talking with stated in no certain terms "Oh you returned, what's it been 70 years?"   We knew something was wrong as those individuals wandered off. A quick search of the bodies found that their outfits were stolen guard uniforms, but they had stylized "M" badges which must identify them as part of a group. As we were looking at the bodies, an arrow whistled behind us. Apparently Archers across the channel wanted a piece of us. Taking the boat we had nearby we crossed the river as the storm started to build. A few more bandits attempted to get us but were blasted by wind and lightning from two other individuals. They didn't seem to be hostile, after attempting to talk in the storm, it was not ideal so we congregated within the tower entrance.   We learned that the gentlemen were Coin Cutwell and the Cleric n'Kaal.

    The Entrance to Bloodstone

    It has been a few weeks of travel since I left Thar. I've been travelling with some caravans, taking jobs to continue to the Halls. I'm excited that they have allowed us to come back, and look forward to trying to regain the glory of the stories that my family told me... Before Father went on his sabbatical... Travel through the Galenas was a little bit tricky. It started raining after 3 days into the mountains. The storms did not let up, and the further we trekked the worse it got. We lost some folks via mudslides when the rain let up, we almost ran into what looked to be a Barbarian raiding party.   It took a few weeks, but I've finally arrived at Maur-Eturo, walking through the town, I was able to come in with the Caravan, among a bunch of other travelers. I was able to make my way into the city, noticing the other folks coming in as well. One of them particularly stood out, being a common person to the road, i'd know a non-traveler anywhere. This Gent didn't even have a cloak with a hood. What was he thinking! The Rains in Vaasa aren't as bad as along the coast in Thar but it can get pretty mucky down on the Steppes I've heard.   I passed the elf fellow in the main street looking at a sign. As I was approaching him, I noticed two men following on an intercept course, ducking into the crowd I was able to bypass them, but the Elf was already being talked to. They looked like guards sent to pick people up, and they were just going to grab this guy. I couldn't let them do it, besides they were hill dwarves and a little scare wouldn't hurt them.   Interjecting as they were about to cart off the poor boy, I couldn't let them do that.


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