Vaenior Settlement in The Lost Archipelago | World Anvil


High up in the volcano where the magma rises fast vast old magmic flows have hollowed out vast caverns and cave systems. These have been expanded and refined over time by the toil of the fyreslayers into expansive tunnels wide enough for ten duardin to walk abreast. The paths are well cut and framed with columns of stone glowing in the light of perpetually burning runes and fiery magma. Outside the gate of Vaenior these pathways open into a wide room where a towering arched gate - two great slabs of intricately carved stone - marks the entrance to Vaenior.
Whilst not the largest of the magmaholds of Ember’s Heart, Vaenior is to the fyreslayers, the most important. For, at its centre, where the heat of the volcano burns hottest, lies the Forge Temple of the Iron-Fire Fyrd. The temple glows always in the light of magma and of the fire in the forges. The room itself is arranged in a great cross with a high vaulted ceiling, the walls are decorated with carven scenes of Grugni forging Grimnir’s axe and Grimnirs final battle against the Godbeast Vulkatrix amongst others. At the centre of the cross, raised up on a stone platform is the master forge where the Zharrkhul burns and Hreardan toils.
The great vault of Vaenior holds all the raw Ur-Gold accumulated by the Iron-Fire Fyrd in its time in the Lost Archipelago. Much of this pours into Vaenior from the mines of Avizarr, and the rest from the wandering Kinbands hired by the denizens of the Aqshy and beyond. From Avizarr too comes a great store of riches in finely wrought gold and silver to decorate the halls of Vaenior with golden braziers, ornamental runes and beautiful statues. In return, Ur-Gold runes are brought - under great care and protection - from the Forge Temple and out to the lesser forges of Avizarr and the Ash-Fall Hold where they will be hammered into the flesh of the fyreslayers who need them.


A great arched gate bars the entrance only to Vaenior and serves as its primary defence, yet any that may breakthrough will soon find themselves beset. Behind the gate lies the gatehouse, two rooms separated by a fyresteel portcullis and garrisoned by Vulkite fyrds. The berserkers are charged to hold the gate to the last; buying time for more warriors to reinforce them. Next in the line of defence come the Runesmiters and Runemasons - the architects and engineers of the lodge - who operate the magmic defences to cut off halls and rooms with flowing lava, or burn alive those who would dare invade Vaenior. Finally comes the grand fyrd of Vaenior. This war-host is led by Hreardan the Seeker and the Battlesmith Arnthak Ironhewn and behind them come the elite Vaenior Sentinels, magmapikes glowing with fire; ranks of wrathful Hearthguard Berzerkers and a roaring mass of Vulkites eager to praise Grimnir through battle.

The Vaenior Sentinels

The Vaenior Sentinels are the greatest warriors and marksmen from among the Auric Hearthguard fyrds of the lodge. Chosen in the trials of stone, the Sentinels are disciplined and deadly, burning hot with Grimnir’s wrath, but able to hone their fury to a killing edge. These elite warriors are entrusted with the most vital duties as defenders of the hold, being assigned to guard the most important areas of the Hold, the Ur-Gold Vaults and the sacred Forge Temple. Their fyrds are also given the honour and crushing responsibility of transporting sacred cargo of Ur-Gold runes to their destination in Avizarr or the Ash-Fall Hold.
Owner= Hreardan
Username= Ur-Seeker19
Kingdom= Anvarr The Fire Sworn

Focus= Economy
1. Passively Generates 1 RS per week.
Settlement Tier= 3
1. Adds 3 to the Siege Attack/Defense Score.
2. Passively Generates 3 RS per week.
3. Increases your total renown by 30.


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