Dusk's Hollow in The Lost Archipelago | World Anvil

Dusk's Hollow

Dusk’s hollow is an enclosed region within the Dusk's Crown Mountains so deep that the sun never reaches the bottom. The mountains are massive, and the scale of the region means that it is never brighter than dusk within the hollow. There are manifold dangers within the hollow, and to tread those darkened lands are to court death. Although it is dark within the hollow, a sweltering heat, generated by the small volcano at the center, leaves the entire place a steaming morass. The surrounding mountains, similarly, will occasionally let loose a trickle of lava, adding to the heat. Small rivers and lakes dot the floor of the region (geological studies have yet to be carried out, so it is unclear whether this is a caldera, a crater, a semi-dried maar, or something else). The shoals of fanged fish must have emigrated from the Ghur continent, for their savagery suits the region more.
The region is anachronistic in many ways, the life forms looking like the long-dead forebears of modern creatures. Most easily noticed are the packs of cold ones which travel across the region. While the cold ones most travelers might have seen are scaled, vicious creatures resembling lizards, these have small feathers sprouting throughout their hides. They seem to be a cross between a lizard and bird, almost, and use these for the capacity to glide short distances, as well as to attract mates.
Larger creatures, not unlike those ridden by the Seraphon, are also to be found in the hollow. The massive beasts are even more feral, and when one feels the ground shaking it is best to flee, for the approach of these predators is a sign of one having an ever-increasing chance of turning into a snack. The hollow is essentially a primeval incubation region and is likely to resist any form of civilization or attempt to pacify it.
Dusk’s hollow is a melting pot of the Ghyran propensity for life and the Ghur tendency for life to be deadly. Entry is strongly warned against without extreme weaponry and in large numbers.


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