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Vampiric Hunger

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WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Figure in the Mists. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Figure in the Mists. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Shadow Behind the Crown. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Shadow Behind the Crown. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Trick of the Light. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Trick of the Light. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for a future campaign. If you are a player in this world and not planning on GMing in it, please do not read this article.
Vampiric Hunger is a red spell that allows one to heal their wounds by spilling the blood of others. It is one of the more offensive, rather than defensive, blood magic spells, and it is much more aggressive. In battles, this allows for a good fighter to fight for much longer before needing more intensive healing, and allows for less strong fighters to still stand a chance, so long as they are able to get some swings in.
In accordance with the rulings of the Osteaic Circle of Blood, this spell is not permitted for use outside of a military setting. However, it is allowed to be used by soldiers engaged in active combat sponsored by a state. This, by design, does not include rebellion fighters - the circle did not want to invite the criticism that they were enabling resistance against authorities.


On a metaphysical level, this spell allows the affected to harness the blood of another as fuel for a healing spell. This still requires some amount of effort from them, and is not a passive effect. However, when cast on fighters that will be attacking quickly and often, it is a great way to provide a boost to their health to allow them to keep fighting.
It is often cast by healers onto their frontline fighters, so that the healers can focus on keeping up with the health of their less sturdy but more hard-hitting fighters.

Side/Secondary Effects

There is a visual change to people affected by this spell. A person who is under the effects of this spell will appear to have bloodshot eyes, and those using anything allowing them to see magical fields will see a small red gloaw around the affected person.
Related Discipline
Blood Magic
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
Basic Action


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