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This article is a work in progress! Expect more content to be added and/or changes to formatting to be made.
It appears this article is a stub! Alert the author if you'd like to see it expanded.
WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Figure in the Mists. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Figure in the Mists. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Shadow Behind the Crown. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Shadow Behind the Crown. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Trick of the Light. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Trick of the Light. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for a future campaign. If you are a player in this world and not planning on GMing in it, please do not read this article.
You find your way through criss-crossed hallways of bookshelves and countless nested rooms and doors - this Library is almost beginning to feel endless, until you spot it. It looks, at first, like a portal. That is, until you step into it, and you realise that the room goes on. Behind you is the door you just entered, slowly creaking closed; and ahead of you? A black, endless, void, stretching out further than you can comprehend.
Well, how interesting. You've come a long way to make it here, haven't you? Not to worry - I can send you back to your realm... unless, of course, you meant to come here?
Hello! This is my meta category, for articles that are not directly about the content of my world, and exist outside of it. Thanks for stopping by, and thank you for checking out my world! - spleen

Cover image: Banner Base by notahumanhand