Ushin Iju Settlement in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil

Ushin Iju

Ushin Iju is a city between two cliffs, a very defensible position it is where the capitol of the island was once located for its strategic advantages. The city has stairs cut into the cliffs to reach a large hanging terrace that stretches across the cliffs over the lower section of the city, supported by six massive stone pillars.



A regional military governor oversees the city due to the large presence of troops here, the city's status as a reserve capitol, and the large amount of sea trade making it an important strategic location to the island


The huge stone terrace is the most prominent feature. Featuring one large bridge that many businesses and homes are built on, there are several smaller hanging platforms connected by ramps and ladders to house even more locations. The cliffs have large staircases that are always filled with people going up and down from the ground to the terrace and cliffs.


Built first as the capitol due to the strategic advantages of the location, the kingdom quickly outgrew the space and moved their seat of power to Sengo. While the richer members of the island wished to have clifftop homes, far from the dangers of undesirable sailors and possible military conflict, they lamented the lack of usable building space and the necessity of such an exhausting trip to pass from one cliff to the next. This desire bore the grand terrace that is now the most prominent feature of the city.


  • Ushin Iju
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