Jeff Guy Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil

Jeff Guy

Jeff was named for his father Jeff (who died when he tripped on a root and fell off of a cliff) who was named for his father Jeff (who fell asleep in the street and drowned in a puddle), and so on. Jeff grew up in Arcadia and was raised by his mother. When Entropy Inc started hiring for their push in the Liberus Ruins, Jeff happily signed up to be able to send money back to his mother.   Entropy offered extra financial incentive to volunteer to train in the PYRO (persistent yield reactor operator) program and test out their new weapon system that creates holy fire to be used against the horrors of the Liberus Ruins. Against all odds (even after losing his issued helmet), Jeff passed the training and was assigned to the team of The Heroes of Crow's Fort  Jeff quickly established rapport with the team and throughout their harrowing experiences in Liberus dealing with the Mindflayer Dagoruk continued to be an asset. When the team discovered that Dagoruk had replaced Aien Yinvyre, he fled with the rest of the team.
Year of Birth
237 ARLH 39 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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