Deridus Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil


Dorito was born in a small farming village in northern Caeladonia and lived a fairly uneventful life. He inherited his father's farm at 32 after he died in horseback riding accident, though it wouldn't be more than a year before a group of Vampires would roam through and suck the blood dry from many villagers.   Desperado put up a brave but doomed effort to fight back by picking up his father's hunting spear and trying to fight the vampires. While he was easily dispatched, the leader of the raiding party was amused by his attempted heroics and decided to turn him to a vampire as a "reward." With nowhere left to go, the vampires were easily able to control the newly turned Dastardly and add him to their ranks to support the existing efforts of the Maven vampire clan to turn Liberus into a massive feeding center.   He later joined one of their bases of operations in the abandoned mansion formerly owned by Tandil Eranthur. It was there that many of the vampires there crossed paths with Thaler's Enforcers and Samuel Eshpard. While several middle vampires leading the group were killed, Dolores survived and attempted to start reorganizing the vampire forces until the manadrop incident destroyed much of Liberus.   It was several weeks before Dumbledore and the lower vampires in his control could excavate the exterior of the mansion. But by the time an exit was secured, Dorkington was week from lack of feeding and saw the monsters roaming the streets. With very little energy and no idea of where or how to escape, he used the last of his energy to ward the exterior of the mansion to keep himself safe and slowly went more feral over the coming years.   112 years later, the The Heroes of Crow's Fort in an expedition into the Liberus ruins looking for an invention of Tandil Eranthur's uncovered the warded mansion and Drearydus. While they dispatched the lower vampires, they saw the potential sentience in the feral middle vampire.   Dupont Circle was subdued and carefully fed Legato Littlefoot's blood until he returned to his senses. Displaced from time and longing for another home, he joined their group and started traveling with them.
Year of Birth
103 ARLH 173 Years old
Aligned Organization


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