The Leitan Peninsula Geographic Location in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

The Leitan Peninsula (LAY-tæn puh-NIN-suh-luh)

The Leitan Peninsula is a geographic peninsula about 4200 miles long from the Eastern Confines to the Graduated Frontier. Because of the perils of deep water oceanic travel and the difficulty in traversing the mountains of the Eastern Confines, there is very little interaction with what exists outside the peninsula. There are 12 major political regions in the peninsula. There are several independent city-states, free holds, and smaller political entities within the peninsula. Two of the major political divisions are unruled and home to various warlords and gangs. These two worlds are the Graduated Frontier and the Expoga Wastes.   The Peninsula is a place where the extremities of geography happen.  Explorers of The Peninsula will cross endless dunes, climb endless peaks, traverse unyielding swamps, and sail inland seas.  The following text describes colors, features, and labels depicted on the maps of the peninsula.

Terrain Features of The Peninsula

Badlands:  Sharp, brittle, and pointy rocks jut forth from the ground.  Colossal plateaus and vast ravines inhibit travel in the badlands.  The lay of the land changes season to seas with erosion of features by wind and water.
Coniferous Forest:
Deciduous Forest:
Mud Flats:


by Blutfort using Worldographer

World Map v2.png

by Blutfort using Worldographer

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